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在纪念抗日战争胜利70周年这个伟大时刻,一部真实展现东北抗日联军14年艰苦卓绝斗争的电视剧《东北抗日联军》感动了很多观众。7月15日,由中国电视艺术委员会、黑龙江省委宣传部共同主办的“电视剧《东北抗日联军》研讨会”在京召开。会上,来自多方面的专家对该剧在社会价值和创作层面进行了充分肯定。一、用艺术的力量弘扬了民族精神,凝聚了民族力量恰逢纪念抗日战争胜利70周年之际,电视剧《东北抗日联军》亮相荧屏,真实再现 In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War this great moment, a true show northeast anti-Japanese coalition forces 14 years of painstaking struggle of drama “Northeast Anti-Japanese Forces” touched a lot of viewers. July 15, by the China Television Arts Committee, Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department co-sponsored “TV series” Northeast Anti-Japanese Forces “Seminar held in Beijing. At the meeting, experts from various fields fully affirmed the social value and creation of the play. First, using the power of art to carry forward the national spirit and unite the national forces Coincides with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the drama ”Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army" debut screen, the true reproduction
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