
来源 :江苏杂草科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pioneerp
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江苏省农科院植保所于1987年11月5~6日在南京召开了扁秆藨草综合防除体系研究报告会。到会的有江苏、上海的农业科研、植保及农垦系统的协作单位代表计20人。会上,代表们报告了各自对扁秆藨草生物学特性及防除配套枝术研究的结果,提出了尚需研究的问题。代表们指出,通过1986~1987年的调查、研究,江苏、上海地区稻田扁秆藨草的危害面积约34万公顷,发生密度一般每平方米20~150株,严重的达350株以上,主要分布在淮北及沿海 Plant Protection Institute of Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences in November 1987 5-6 in Nanjing held a flat broom grass comprehensive control system research report. At the meeting there were 20 representatives from cooperating units of agricultural research, plant protection and land reclamation system in Jiangsu and Shanghai. At the meeting, the delegates reported the results of their studies on the biological characteristics of Balasagrass and its supporting techniques, and put forward some questions that still need to be studied. The deputies pointed out that through the survey from 1986 to 1987, the damage area of ​​flat barn grass in paddy fields in Jiangsu and Shanghai was about 340,000 hectares, with the density generally ranging from 20 to 150 per square meter and over 350 severely, mainly Distributed in Huaibei and the coast
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乔米·普兰萨(Jaume Plensa)于1955年出生于西班牙的巴塞罗那,曾先后在巴塞罗那美术学院(Barcelona School of Fine Arts)和圣乔治美术学院(Escola Superior de Belles Arts
目的 了解云南省艾滋病病毒 (HIV)不同流行地区孕妇时艾滋病 (AIDS)的知识、态度及行为 ,为开展宣传教育、阻断母婴垂直传播自愿咨询、检测提供依据。方法 选择省、地区、
目的 研究以pcDNA3.1为载体的登革 2型病毒 43株 (D2 43)NS1基因重组DNA的免疫原性及对登革病毒感染所致小鼠神经毒的免疫保护作用。方法 将纯化的pcDNA NS1重组质粒DNA采