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1988年10月3日,武警上海市总队驻皖六支队收到了一份来自浙江省景宁畲族自治县人民法院的刑事判决书,对因伪造个人退伍档案的原该支队一大队退伍战士吴志斌判处有期徒刑一年零3个月。 1984年11月,吴志斌从他的家乡浙江省景宁县英川乡人伍来到了武警上海市总队驻皖六支队一大队服役。1986年7至8月,吴在一大队代理文书期间,利用工作之便,在大队部私拿了入党志愿书、奖励表等等,并偷盖了公章及有关领导的私章,接着又窃取了该部排长黄××的毕业证书,为伪造档案作准备。 On October 3, 1988, the Armed Police Force Shanghai Corps in Anhui Province received a criminal verdict from People’s Court of Jingning She Nationality Autonomous County in Zhejiang Province, sentenced Wu Zhibin, a veteran of the first detachment, who falsified the personal veteran’s file to a term of imprisonment One year and three months. In November 1984, Wu Zhibin came to the first brigade of the Sixth Detachment of Anhui Armed Police Corps in Shanghai from his hometown, Yingchuan Township, Jingning County, Zhejiang Province. From July to August 1986, during the proxy of a brigade, Wu used his work to privately take part in party volunteers and reward tables, etc., and stole the official seal and the private seal of the leaders concerned. He then stole The Department of long row of yellow × × diploma, for the preparation of files forged.
编辑同志: 被告人陈某原系某外贸局的工作人员,任职期间多次利用职务之便,为某乡镇企业的产品办理出口手续,辞职后根据事先的约定收受该企业给予的人民币1.3万多元。 上述案
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浅浅的涟漪,弯弯的波弦,嵌在大运河畔的姑苏城哟…… 1988年8月15日。苏州市中级人民法院。法庭内,1400张座位坐无虚席。 “苏州市中级人民法院根据中华人民共和国刑事诉讼
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