An Analysis of the Reasons for the Preservation of Hat Culture in Britain

来源 :海外英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huajinxiu
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As a famous and interesting symbol of Britain,hat culture has existed for a long period in history and British still retain wearing hats especially when they attend some grand activities up to date.Despite the increasing development of society and changing of people’s conceptions,British people have never abandoned the hat wearing tradition.This paper will elaborately analyze the reasons for the preservation of hat culture in Britain from the aspects of historical,geographical,and social factors.And the conclusion will be come up that it is the attitude of British toward hat culture that has kept it alive till today. As a famous and interesting symbol of Britain, hat culture has existed for a long period in history and British still retain wearing hats especially when they attend some grand activities up to date. Despite the increasing development of society and changing of people’s conceptions, British people have never abandoned the hat wearing tradition.This paper will elaborately analyze the reasons for the preservation of hat culture in Britain from the aspects of historical, geographical, and social factors. And the conclusion will be come up that it is the attitude of British tendency hat culture that has kept it alive till today.
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