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九年义务教育《语文课程标准》(实验稿)于2001年7月正式颁布实施,这是我国当前语文教育改革发展历程中的一件大事,也是一件难得的幸事,具有重要的里程碑意义。《语文课程标准》(以下简称《标准》)追求一种全新的语文教育价值观,反映了面向21世纪世界基础教育课程改革的基本理念,体现了当代教育以“学会认知、学会做事、学会合作、学会生存”为特征的时代精神,与以往的“语文教学大纲”有着本质性差别。由于新一轮课改动作大,涉及问题多,既有课程内容、课程结构方面的问题,也有教学模式、教学方法的问题,更有教学理念、教学评价等深层次的问题。因此,仍有相当一部分教师难以较快较好地适应新课程改革的要求。鉴于此,本刊特别邀请了几位耕耘在教学一线的优秀教师,就《课标》实践过程中遇到的一些新概念、新理念、新学法、新教法等重难点问题进行了深入的讨论,并在此基础上编发了一组具有代表性的文章。安徽省岳西县实验小学王瑾华老师的文章,站在以人为本的高度,对三维目标进行了重新审视,指出了认真落实三维目标以及处理好三者之间的相互关系对于提高课堂教学实效的重要性,体现了作者对于新课标中以人为本的人文思想的深刻把握。上海市青浦区蒸淀小学徐培林老师从“多维互动的理念”出发,探索出一套师生之间,学生之间全面交往、互动的教学方式,以构建多维有效互动式的小学语文课堂教学,从而更好地贯彻以学生发展为本的新课程理念。江苏省南京市金陵中学实验小学吕伏安老师则围绕对话教学的有效性展开研讨,着重指出“对话”是教师、学生、文本之间相视、相融、相生的过程,并通过利用原生情境、营造派生情境、建构创生情境的方式,提升对话的境界,从而更好地实现教学目标,真正落实新课标思想的精髓。此次讨论,旨在引导、帮助全国各地的同行们进一步学习语文新课标,树立教学新理念,探索语文新教法,真正融入到新课程的改革和发展当中。 The nine-year compulsory education “Chinese Curriculum Standard” (experimental draft) was formally promulgated and implemented in July 2001, which is a major event in our country’s current Chinese education reform and development process. It is also a rare blessing and an important milestone. “Chinese Curriculum Standard” (hereinafter referred to as “standard”) pursues a brand new value of Chinese education, which reflects the basic idea of ​​curriculum reform in 21st century for basic education in the world. It reflects that contemporary education regards “learning to know, to learn to do things, to learn Cooperation and learning to survive, ”with the spirit of the past “ syllabus ”is essentially different. Due to the new round of curriculum reform, there are many problems involved, such as the content of the curriculum and the structure of the curriculum, as well as the teaching mode and teaching methods, as well as the deep-seated problems of teaching philosophy and teaching evaluation. Therefore, there are still quite a few teachers who can not adapt quickly and better to the requirements of the new curriculum reform. In view of this, we have invited several outstanding teachers who have cultivated themselves in the teaching field to conduct in-depth discussions on some difficult issues such as new concepts, new concepts, new learning methods and new teaching methods encountered in the practice of “curriculum standardization” On the basis of this, a series of representative articles were compiled. An article from Wang Jinhua, an experimental primary school in Yuexi County, Anhui Province, re-examines the three-dimensional goal from a people-oriented perspective and points out the importance of earnestly implementing the three-dimensional goals and handling the interrelationship among the three in order to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching , Which embodies the author’s profound grasp of the people-oriented humanistic thought in the new curriculum standard. From the “concept of multidimensional interaction ”, Xu Peilin from Shanghai Qingpu District Steppe Primary School started to explore a set of teaching methods of comprehensive interaction and interaction among teachers and students and between students so as to build a multi-dimensional effective and interactive primary language classroom Teaching, so as to better implement the new curriculum concept based on student development. Teacher Lu Fu’an from Nanjing Jinling Middle School Experimental Primary School held a discussion on the effectiveness of dialogue teaching and emphasized that “dialogue” is the process of seeing, blending and living with teachers, students and texts. By using the original situation , Create a derivative situation, construct a way of creating situations and enhance the realm of dialogue so as to realize the teaching goal better and truly implement the essence of the new curriculum standard. The purpose of this discussion is to guide and help colleagues across the country to further study Chinese new curricula, establish new concepts in teaching, and explore new Chinese teaching methods so as to truly integrate themselves into the reform and development of the new curriculum.