Vertical zoning model of fluorite ore-bodies in Zhejiang

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lrq22
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THK fluortite in Zhejiang Province is well known. However, the known outcrop mines have been graduallyexhausted by the exploiting over a long time. It has been a task of top priority to explore blind deposits.Study on the vertical zoning model will be very important and useful in the exploration for blind fluoriteore-bodies. 1 Genetic characteristics of fluorite deposits The fluorite deposits in Zhejiang Province are typical vein filling deposits. The minerals forming theores and the alterations of the wall rocks are all relatively simple. Studies show that the ore-forming materials (F and Ca etc. ) mainly come from the Chencai Group metamorphic rocks and the J_3-K_1 series vol- THK fluortite in Zhejiang Province is well known. However, the known outcrop mines have been graduallyexhausted by the exploiting over a long time. It has been a task of top priority to explore blind deposits .Study on the vertical zoning model will be very important and useful in the exploration for blind fluoriteore-bodies. 1 Genetic characteristics of fluorite deposits The fluorite deposits in Zhejiang Province are typical vein filling deposits. The minerals forming theores and the alterations of the wall rocks are all relatively simple. forming materials (F and Ca etc.) mainly come from the Chencai Group metamorphic rocks and the J_3-K_1 series vol-
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