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目的研究妊娠晚期牙周炎孕妇龈沟液、唾液、血清中白介素-2(IL-2)含量变化以及三者间的关联。方法于2011年4—7月在湖北省妇幼保健院接受口腔检查的妊娠33~38周单胎孕妇中,随机选取20例牙周炎、26例牙龈炎、22例牙周健康孕妇(对照)纳入研究。分别采集其唾液、龈沟液和血清,采用双抗体夹心ELISA检测IL-2质量浓度。结果牙周炎组分娩时孕周(36.5周)明显小于牙龈炎组(38.8周)和对照组(39.3周),牙周炎组分娩时新生儿体重(3079.9g)低于牙龈炎组(3452.5g)和对照组(3462.4g),差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。牙周炎组大专及以上学历、孕前半年行口腔保健的比例明显低于牙龈炎组和对照组(均P<0.05)。牙周炎组龈沟液、唾液中IL-2质量浓度明显高于牙龈炎组和正常对照组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);但3组血清中IL-2质量浓度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。各组孕妇龈沟液、唾液、血清中IL-2质量浓度之间均两两呈线性相关,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论妊娠合并牙周炎孕妇口腔中IL-2含量较高,并与血清中IL-2质量浓度呈直线相关,在牙周炎合并不良妊娠结局(如早产、低体重儿等)的发病机制中起一定作用。重视口腔卫生是预防不良妊娠结局的方法之一。 Objective To study the changes of interleukin-2 (IL-2) levels in gingival crevicular fluid, saliva and serum of pregnant women with periodontal disease in the third trimester of pregnancy and their correlation. Methods From January to July 2011, 20 cases of periodontitis, 26 cases of gingivitis and 22 cases of periodontal healthy pregnant women (control group) were randomly selected from pregnant women with 33-38 weeks’ gestation who underwent oral examination in Hubei MCH. Included in the study. The saliva, gingival crevicular fluid and serum were collected respectively, and the concentration of IL-2 was detected by double antibody sandwich ELISA. Results The gestational age (36.5 weeks) at the time of delivery in the periodontitis group was significantly shorter than that in the gingivitis group (39.8 weeks) and the gingivitis group (39.3 weeks) g) and control group (3462.4g), the difference was statistically significant (all P <0.05). The proportion of oral health care in periodontitis group was significantly lower than that in gingivitis group and control group (all P <0.05). The levels of IL-2 in gingival crevicular fluid and saliva in periodontitis group were significantly higher than those in gingivitis group and normal control group (all P <0.05). However, the levels of IL-2 in saliva, The difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). The concentrations of IL-2 in gingival crevicular fluid, saliva and serum in each group of pregnant women were linearly correlated with each other (P <0.01, all P <0.01). Conclusion The content of IL-2 in the oral cavity of pregnant women with periodontitis is higher than that of normal pregnant women, and is linearly correlated with the concentration of IL-2 in serum. In the pathogenesis of periodontitis with poor pregnancy outcome (such as premature birth, low birth weight, etc.) Play a role. Emphasis on oral hygiene is one of the ways to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes.