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  帕慕克用10年时间构思创作了《纯真博物馆》,2008年出版之后,曾学建筑学的他又用了四年时间,在伊斯坦布尔创建了一座与小说对应的真实的博物馆,以活生生的材料再现一本小说。这也是世界上第一家完全以一部小说为基础的博物馆,相信读过此书的读者会产生欲望亲自参观这座位于伊斯坦布尔老城区的铁锈红色的土耳其式三层小楼的纯真博物馆。一进门,你看到的第一件展品就是一整面钉满了烟蒂的墙壁—— 一 个男人在2,864天里承受痛苦的证明。
  One cold and rainy day, while walking through the galleries of the Helsinki(赫尔辛基,芬兰首都)City Museum, I happened on just the sort of medicine bottles I’d found in Tarik Bey’s drawers. Prowling(徘徊于)the mildewy(发霉的)rooms of a museum in the small city of Cazelles(卡泽勒), near Lyon(里昂)in France [a converted(改建的)former hat factory with no visitors but me], I saw hats exactly like those my mother and father had once worn. As I was viewing the playing cards, rings, necklaces, chess sets, and oil paintings of the State Museum of Württemberg(德国符腾堡国家博物馆), located in a tower of the old castle in Stuttgart(斯图加特), I was inspired by the belief that the Keskins’(凯斯金一家,指芙颂和她父母)possessions(like my love for Füsun) deserved display in comparable splendor(辉煌). The smallest detail demanded the most exacting investigation: I spent an entire day in the Musée International de la Parfumerie(国际香水博物馆)in the South of France, some distance from the Mediterranean, in Grasse(格拉斯,香水之都), the world capital of perfume, struggling to identify Füsun’s scent. At Munich’s Alte Pinakothek(慕尼黑老绘画陈列馆)(whose stairs would serve as a model for those in my own museum) the sight of Rembrandt’s(伦勃朗,荷兰著名画家)masterpiece The Sacrifice of Abraham1 reminded me of having told Füsun this story many years earlier, and of the moral of giving up the thing most precious to us while expecting nothing in return. I gazed at length at George Sand’s(乔治·桑,法国女作家)lighter(打火机), her jewels, her earrings, and locks(缕)of her hair, which were stapled(钉住)to a piece of paper, until there, in the Musée de la Vie Romantique(罗曼蒂克博物馆)in Paris, I shivered. It was in Treiste(的里雅斯特,意大利东北部港市), where the Civico Museo del Mare(海洋城市博物馆)is housed in an old prison, that I first realized what many other museums would remind me of: being awash with(淹没于)memories of Füsun, the Bosphorus ferries(博斯普鲁斯海峡里的渡轮)would need to be represented by some model alongside other totems(图腾)of my obsession. In Honduras(洪都拉斯,中美洲国家), for which I had a hard time acquiring a visa, the Museum of Insects and Butterflies in La Ceiba(拉塞瓦), where I walked among tourists in shorts, led me to imagine that I could display all the butterfly barrettes(条状发夹)I’d bought for Füsun over the years as if they were real butterflies; and that, by extension, I could organize and show all the mosquitoes, blackflies, horseflies, and other insects from the Keskin household. In the Chinese city of Hangzhou, in the Museum of Chinese Medicine, I felt that I had come face-to-face with one of Tarik Bey’s very own medicine boxes. I would note with pride at the Musée du Tabac(烟草博物馆), just opened in Paris, that its collection was not nearly as extensive as the one I had bought up over eight years. One bright spring day in Aix-en-Provence(普罗旺斯地区艾克斯,法国城市), I remember gazing with boundless happiness and admiration upon the shelves of pots and pans and other objects in the sun-drenched(沐浴在阳光里的)rooms of the Musée de l’Atelier da Paul Cézanne(保罗·塞尚画室博物馆). But still I wonder if I could ever have learned to appreciate my own collection in the Merhamet Apartments(凯末尔和芙颂曾经的爱巢), let alone nurtured(培育)any hope of showing it proudly to others, had I not first gone to Vienna to see the Sigmund Freud Museum(弗洛伊德博物馆), crammed(塞满的)with the statues and the furniture of the famous pyscho-analyst(心理分析师). Was a visit to the old barbershop in the Museum of London on every London trip during my first traveling years merely an expression of nostalgia(怀旧之情)for my Istanbul barbers, Basri and Cevat the Chatterbox(喋喋不休的人), or something more? At the Florence Nightingale Museum(弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔博物馆), housed in a London hospital, I was hoping to find a painting or an object that the famous nurse had brought back from Istanbul, where she’d run a hospital during the Crimean War2, but the memento(纪念品)I found was not just from Istanbul—it was a barrette identical to one of Füsun’s. In the Musée de Temps(时间博物馆)in Besan?on(贝桑松), France, formerly a palace, as I wandered among the clocks, listening to the deep silence, I thought about museums and time. In Holland, gazing at the minerals, fossils, medals, coins, and old utensils(炊具)in the old wood-framed display cupboards, amid the silence of the Teylers Museum(泰勒斯博物馆)in Haarlem(哈勒姆,荷兰西部城市), I had an intimation that I would be able to say what it was that gave life meaning, and offered me the greatest solace(安慰), but as with the first blush of love, I couldn’t at first express what bound me to such places. But it was not until I visited the Museum der Dinge(物品博物馆)in Berlin, once accommodated(安置于)in the Martin Gropius Building(马丁·格罗皮乌斯大楼)and later made homeless, that I saw this truth another way: One could gather up anything and everything, with wit and acumen(敏锐), out of a positive need to collect all objects connecting us to our most beloved, every aspect of their being, and even in the absence of a house, a proper museum, the poetry of our collection would be home enough for its objects. Every time I went to London I visited Sir John Soane’s Museum(約翰·索恩爵士博物馆); after walking through its gorgeously cluttered(华美而凌乱的), crowded rooms and admiring his arrangement of the paintings, I would sit alone in a corner, listening for many hours to the noise of the city, thinking that one day I would exhibit Füsun’s things in just this way, and that when I did, she would smile down on me from the realm of the angels. But not until I found myself in the sentimental collection which was on the top floor of the Museu Frederic Marès(弗雷德里克·马雷博物馆)in Barcelona(巴塞罗那), perusing(仔细观看)its romantic assortment of barrettes, pins, earrings, playing cards, keys, fans, perfume bottles, handkerchiefs, brooches, necklaces, handbags, and bracelets(手镯), did I realize at last what I could do with Füsun’s things. And on my first tour of America—where I spent more than five months visiting 273 museums—I recalled that same emotional experience while visiting New York’s Glove Museum. Then at the Museum of Jurassic Technology(侏罗纪科技博物馆)in Culver City(卡尔弗城,位于洛杉矶西部), California, I remembered again why some museums had the power to make me shudder: They induced the feeling that I had become suspended in one age while the rest of humanity lived in another. In the town of Smithfield, North Carolina, at the Ava Gardner Museum(艾娃·加德纳博物馆;艾娃:美国著名性感女影星), from which I stole a charming exhibition plaque(匾)reproducing a tableware advertisement in which she appeared, at the sight of Ava’s yearbook picture, her night-gowns, her mittens(连指手套), and her boots, I so ached for my lost Füsun that I very nearly aborted my journey and returned to Istanbul. As it happens, I had by then concluded that the true collector’s only home is his own museum.
最近读了一部名叫The Pillars of the Earth的小说,并非新书——首版于1989年——却是当代英语小说中常销常读的经典。中文版意译作《圣殿春秋》,虽则通俗易懂,但我仍然喜欢那书名的直译——《地球之柱》。这故事说的是一个名叫Tom Builder的石匠,立志要建造这世上最美丽的大教堂(cathedral),为此,他与家人四处奔波,受尽磨难,后来在小镇金斯布里奇(Kingsbridg
在玩徒步露营的初期,户外萌新通常会有老驴带路,而自己只需要置办一些装备就好。  帐篷、睡袋、防潮垫俗称“露营三大件”。这三样选对了,才能充分享受户外带来的乐趣。户外环境复杂多变,帐篷的主要功能是防风、防雨、防雪、防尘、防潮、防虫,为露营者提供一个相对舒适的休息环境,让露营者能睡个好觉。  选购第一个帐篷之前要先搞清楚这两个问题:  1·这个帐篷通常要几人用?  2·通常在什么天气或环境下使用?  
提名  张诺娅  提名理由  2017年5月1日至9月17日,有着徒步女王之称的中国女孩张诺娅,历时140天通径走完了美国大陆分水岭步道超长距离徒步路线,全程4300公里。这条步道和4265公里的太平洋山脊径、3500公里的阿帕拉契亚小径一起被称为美国“三重冠”,通径走完三条路线是国际徒步者的人生目标之一。至于已经在2014年完成太平洋山脊径、2015年完成阿帕拉契亚小径的张诺娅,完成大陆分水岭步
“2017奥地利慈善滑雪赛”于2月18日在崇礼云顶密苑滑雪场举办,奥地利户外品牌NORTHLAND(诺诗兰)成为白金级雪道赛事赞助合作伙伴,这是NORTHLAND连续第六次赞助该项慈善滑雪赛事。该项赛事是由奥地利商务处主办的一场慈善滑雪比赛,自2010年第一届“奥地利慈善滑雪赛”开办至今已成功举办8届,现已成为中国冬季一项知名的传统慈善滑雪赛事,获得了越来越多滑雪爱好者的关注和支持。  作为来自奥
FENIX出品的TK35UE有着创新设计的拨盘开关,不仅可以快速切换战术模式、户外模式,同时还有快速关机等安全設计,它采用CREE XHP70 LED,最高亮度3200流明,最远射程300米。2节18650电池驱动,电池架具有Micro USB充电功能;同时具有一键爆闪和电量显示功能。扁平化筒身以及独特的尾部双开关和拨盘切换模式等设计,使TK35UE非常适用于军警战术、户外搜索以及探险等多种户外照
The morning of my daughter’s first school play I had an appointment1. It was a meeting with a prospective client about a contract that would potentially pay the mortgage for three months.2  I went to
睡眠也疯狂——名人们那些千奇百怪的睡眠习惯  你是怎么睡觉的呢?和你的宠物一起睡?不能离开心爱的枕头?还是觉得缩成一团睡得更香?关于睡眠,不少人都有自己的小怪癖。而名人们的睡眠故事更是千奇百怪,让我们来一一盘点。  睡眠也疯狂之发明家篇  睡眠也疯狂之艺术家和作家篇  睡眠也疯狂之思想家篇
My bookshelves are dust-laden--and with good reason. When itcomes to cleaning that part of my home, I suffer from the.most tenacious case of avoidance.  The thing is this: On those very rare occasions
乔治·马丁(George R.R.Martin)所著史诗奇幻小说《冰与火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire)当中,北境守护的二女儿艾莉亚,史塔克(Arya Stark)兴许是全书复仇愿望最强烈的人物。她的父亲惨死于王公贵族争权夺势的执政游戏,兄弟姐妹各自离散,她踏上了颠沛流离的逃难生涯,时而得到善人的救助,时而遭到恶人的控制。然而,居无定所、疲于奔命的苦难生活丝毫没有磨灭她的复仇