
来源 :福建水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktcargo147
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严禁毁林开荒。在允许开垦的5度以下的荒山、坡地开垦时要经过批准,要有水保措施,严禁顺坡开垦到山顶。做到在开发中保护,在治理中开发。要合理的、科学的开发,要注重综合效益。在修建铁路、公路、开矿、采石、兴建水利水电和其它基本建设都要采取水保措施。严禁乱挖乱倒,做到先批准后动工,建设中要接受检查监督,完工时要验收。3、同心协力,加快治理步伐。省七届人大第四次会议决定今后十年我省要治理1670万亩水土流失面积。为实现这一目标,必须依靠各级党、政领导,动员全社会力量,多渠道筹集资金,和各部门密切配合,协同作战,才能完成。为此各地要搞好以小流域为单元的治理规划,各部门共同治理,各投其资,各记其功。要抓好闽东、闽西两大重点 No deforestation wasteland. Approved in reclamation of barren hills below 5 degrees that allow land reclamation, there should be measures for soil and water conservation, and reclamation to the top of the hill is strictly prohibited. To protect in the development, development in governance. To be reasonable and scientific development, we must focus on overall efficiency. Water conservation measures should be taken during the construction of railways, highways, mining, quarrying, construction of water conservancy and hydropower and other infrastructure projects. Do not chaos chaos down, so that the first approved after the start of construction to accept the inspection and supervision, completion and acceptance. 3, work together to speed up the pace of governance. The Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress decided that in the next ten years our province should control the area of ​​soil and water loss of 1670 mu. In order to achieve this goal, we must rely on the party and government leaders at all levels to mobilize all social forces, raise funds through multiple channels, and work closely with all departments to work together to combat them. To this end, all localities should do a good job in the management of small watersheds as a unit, and jointly manage all the departments so that they can all contribute their investment and pay their own merits. We must do a good job in Mindong and West Fujian two major points
目的:表征2种呫吨酮类化合物(1-hydroxy-7-methoxyxanthone,HM;dehydrocycloguanandin,DC)与人血清白蛋白(human serum albumin,HSA)的键合作用。方法:在模拟生理条件下,应用
1992年发表和宣读的论文有以下24篇: 1.生物技术在林业上的应用潜力与问题 2.不同株型落花生光合代谢及种子产量之差异性 3.水滴撞击刚性表面之数值模拟(一)模拟方法 台湾农
泰顺县百丈镇陈庄村67岁老农赖碎付,因祭坟烧草不慎酿成山林火灾,日前经泰顺县人民检察院批准被县公安机关以失火罪依法逮捕。 4月4日中午12时,赖碎付到窑背山场给其父亲祭
中国劳动保护工业企业协会,于1993年成立以来,在李沛瑶会长生前亲自主持和常务理事会的领导下。并得到了劳动部各级领导的大力支持,协会做了许多工作,取得了一定成绩。 一、