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7月10日至11日,中共北京市委十一届七次全会召开。北京市委、市政府关于贯彻《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》的意见经市委全会审议通过。会议指出,《京津冀协同发展规划纲要》中明确了北京2300万的人口控制目标,这是必须坚决守住的底线。要聚焦通州,深化方案论证,加快北京市行政副中心的规划建设,2017年取得明显成效。会议指出,京津冀协同发展,是适应人民群众 July 10 to 11, the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee held its seventh plenary session. Opinions of Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government on Carrying out the “Outline for the Planning for the Coordinated Development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei” After deliberation and approval by the plenum of the municipal party committee. The meeting pointed out: “The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Collaborative Development Plan” clearly defined the population control target of 23 million in Beijing, which is the bottom line that must be resolutely held. We should focus on Tongzhou, deepen the demonstration of programs and speed up the planning and construction of Beijing’s administrative sub-center, achieving remarkable results in 2017. The meeting pointed out: With the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, it is suitable for the people
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