
来源 :中国全科医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xulxulo
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背景在挪威,10%~20%的全科医生(GPs)都有移民背景。因而有理由认为,与本土GPs相比,有移民背景的GPs有不同的人口学特征和服务人群。目的为了列出有移民背景GPs的这些特征,并与本土GPs进行比较。方法将有移民背景的GPs定义为出生在国外,父母亲均来自国外。将2008年在挪威,有两个国家注册登记,又具有相关信息的居住者以及GPs纳入研究:即GPs的数据库和国家人口注册系统。采用逻辑回归研究法分析移民背景对GPs不同特征的影响。结果与本土GPs相比,有移民背景GPs的年纪要轻、女性居多、独自在乡村工作的要多。有移居背景GPs拥有移民患者的比例要大〔OR=3.2,95%CI(2.7,3.8)〕,不仅拥有自己的文化,也有其他文化背景,这个比例随着时间推移而增长。与本土同行相比,有移民背景GPs,在增补新患者方面要难〔OR=0.3,95%CI(0.3,0.4)〕,不过这种差异会随着时间的推移而削减。然而,从世界不同区域移居的GPs之间也存在着显著差异。结论对有或无移民背景的GPs而言,人口学特征有所不同。在进行有移民背景和本土GPs研究时,需考虑此因素。 Background In Norway, 10% to 20% of General Practitioners (GPs) have an immigrant background. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that GPs with immigrant backgrounds have different demographic characteristics and service populations than native GPs. The purpose is to list these characteristics of immigrant background GPs and to compare them with native GPs. Methods GPs with immigrant backgrounds were defined as born abroad and both parents were from abroad. In 2008, in Norway, there are two countries with registered and relevant inhabitants and GPs included in the study: the GPs database and the national population registration system. Using Logistic Regression Method to Analyze the Influence of Immigrant Background on Different Features of GPs. Results Compared with the local GPs, there are immigrant background GPs are young, mostly women and work more independently in rural areas. Migrant Background GPs have a larger proportion of immigrants (OR = 3.2, 95% CI (2.7, 3.8)), with their own culture and other cultural backgrounds, which have risen over time. GPs with immigrant backgrounds were more difficult to supplement with new patients (OR = 0.3, 95% CI (0.3, 0.4)] compared with their local counterparts, although such discrepancies would decrease over time. However, there are also significant differences between GPs migrating from different regions of the world. Conclusions Demographic characteristics are different for GPs with or without immigrant background. This factor needs to be considered when conducting research on immigrant backgrounds and indigenous GPs.
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