Influence of the Gas Mixture Ratio on the Correlations Between the Excimer XeCl* Emission and the Se

来源 :等离子体科学和技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinxinzhang2
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For dielectric barrier discharge lamps filled with various gas mixture ratios, the correlations between the excimer XeCl* emission and the sealed gas temperature have been founded, and a qualitative explication is presented. For gas mixture with chlorine larger than 3%, the emission intensity increases with the sealed gas temperature, while with chlorine about 2%, the emission intensity decreases with the increase in the gas temperature, and could be improved by cooling water. However, if chlorine is less than 1.5%, the discharge appears to be a mixture mode with filaments distributed in a diffused glow-like discharge, and the UV emission is independent on the gas temperature.
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