我站主要担负边境对空警戒引导任务,常年驻守在茫茫戈壁深处,方圆超过100 km之处荒无人烟,交通、通信不便,环境艰苦、气候恶劣,夏季温度高达40℃以上,冬季常常是-40℃,一天之中有四季变化。但是,30年来,全站一批又一批的官兵勇于克服恶劣的自然环境困难,扎根戈壁,无私奉献,以站为家,以苦为乐,较好地完成了上级赋予的各项工作任务。 2000年4月,空军第一医疗队来到我部巡回医疗。我部所属边远艰苦连队驻地极其分散,每个连队之间平均相距400~500km。医疗队每天坐八九
I station mainly responsible for the guidance of the border air alert, perennial stationed in the vast Gobi depth of more than 100 km radius of uninhabited traffic, communication inconvenience, the environment is difficult, the climate is harsh, the summer temperatures up to 40 ℃ above, the winter is often -40 ℃, there are four seasons change in a day. However, over the past 30 years, batch after batch of officers and men of the entire station have the courage to overcome the harsh natural environment difficulties, take root in the desert and serve themselves unselfishly. . In April 2000, the Air Force’s First Medical Team came to our department for medical treatment. The remote company stationed in my department is extremely fragmented, and the average distance between each company is 400 ~ 500km. Medical teams sit 89 every day