Prediction of visibility in the Arctic based on dynamic Bayesian network analysis

来源 :海洋学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuhui
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With the accelerated warming of the world, the safety and use of Arctic passages is receiving more attention. Predicting visibility in the Arctic has been a hot topic in recent years because of navigation risks and opening of ice-free northern passages. Numerical weather prediction and statistical prediction are two methods for predicting visibility. As microphysical parameterization schemes for visibility are so sophisticated, visibility prediction using numerical weather prediction models includes large uncertainties. With the development of artificial intelligence, statistical prediction methods have received increasing attention. In this study, we constructed a statistical model with a physical basis, to predict visibility in the Arctic based on a dynamic Bayesian network, and tested visibility prediction over a 1°×1° grid area averaged daily. The results show that the mean relative error of the predicted visibility from the dynamic Bayesian network is approximately 14.6% compared with the inferred visibility from the artificial neural network. However, dynamic Bayesian network can predict visibility for only 3 days. Moreover, with an increase in predicted area and period, the uncertainty of the predicted visibility becomes larger. At the same time, the accuracy of the predicted visibility is positively correlated with the time period of the input evidence data. It is concluded that using a dynamic Bayesian network to predict visibility can be useful over Arctic regions for projected climatic changes.
海洋督察是海洋行政主管部门履行行政监督职能的形式.本文运用完全信息静态博弈理论分析海洋督察队伍与地方政府双方博弈关系,分别计算地方政府违法违规与海洋督察队伍监管的收益函数,分析影响海洋督察队伍监管与地方政府违法违规行为决策的主要因素,并根据混合策略纳什均衡求出了 均衡点((Fp-Cp)/(Fp-Cp+C),(B2-B1)/Fp).
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