Sinopec Starts Production of Songnan Gas Field

来源 :China Chemical Reporter | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jordanfandemin
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Sinopec Corp’s Northeast Oil and Gas Co startedoutput from its Songnan gas filed, in Qianguocounty, Jilin province, on November 11th.Natural gas, through the Yaoyingtai-Bawu-Changchun pipeline, is being transported to supplycities including Changchun, Jilin and Siping tomeet their demand for the cleaning fuel.The Songnan project costs RMB1.99 billion andis capable of producing 3 million cubic meters ofnatural gas a day, or 1 billion cubic meters a year.This project is set to ease supply situations in Sinopec Corp’s Northeast Oil and Gas Co started output from its Songnan gas filed, in Qianguocounty, Jilin province, on November 11th. Natural gas, through the Yaoyingtai-Bawu-Changchun pipeline, is being transported to supply cities including Changchun, Jilin and Siping tomeet their demand for the cleaning fuel.The Songnan project costs RMB1.99 billion andis capable of producing 3 million cubic meters of natural gas a day, or 1 billion cubic meters a year.This project is set to ease supply situations in
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