Modeling atrazine transport in soil columns with HYDRUS-1D

来源 :水科学与水工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiminfenglin1
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Both physical and chemical processes affect the fate and transport of herbicides.It is useful to simulate these processes with computer programs to predict solute movement.Simulations were run with HYDRUS-1D to identify the sorption and degradation parameters of atrazine through calibration from the breakthrough curves (BTCs).Data from undisturbed and disturbed soil column experiments were compared and analyzed using the dual-porosity model.The study results show that the values of dispersivity are slightly lower in disturbed columns,suggesting that the more heterogeneous the structure is,the higher the dispersivity.Sorption parameters also show slight variability,which is attributed to the differences in soil properties,experimental conditions and methods,or other ecological factors.For both of the columns,the degradation rates were similar.Potassium bromide was used as a conservative non-reactive tracer to characterize the water movement in columns.Atrazine BTCs exhibited significant tailing and asymmetry,indicating non-equilibrium sorption during solute transport.The dual-porosity model was verified to best fit the BTCs of the column experiments.Greater or lesser concentration of atrazine spreading to the bottom of the columns indicated risk of groundwater contamination.Overall,HYDRUS-1Dsuccessfully simulated the atrazine transport in soil columns.
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