明确定位电子信息领域 海信今年争二保五

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3月4日获悉:海信计算机公司依据其2000实现销售收入240亿元的规划,制定了“争二保五”的经营策略。1998年的销售目标为20万台,将成为整个海信集团新的支柱产业。作为山东省重点扶持的大型企业集团,海信集团已明确定位在电子信息领域。据介绍,海信从去年开始已经停止在模拟技术方面的投资,全面转入到数字技术领域,以多媒体网络电脑、数字电视、模糊控制空调及通讯类等高精尖产品为龙头,以大力发展计算机及其相关技术领域产品为重点,涉足信息产业领域。据悉,今年海信集团将在原有个人电脑及商用收款机产品的基础上,再拓展延伸到包括工作站、服务器、笔记本电脑等产品方面,同时还将投入巨资兴建大型软件公司,以此软硬结合,全面拉开进军信息产业领域的序幕。据悉,海信集团已在青岛市高科技工业园规划了200多亩的土地,兴建海信信息产业工业园,此项工程将在年内全面动工。在销售渠道的铺建上,将理顺厂家与代理商的关系,加大渠道 On March 4, it was learned that Hisense Computer Co., Ltd. has formulated the business strategy of “striving for two guarantees and five guarantees” based on its 2000 plan to achieve sales revenue of 24 billion yuan. With a sales target of 200,000 units in 1998, it will become the new pillar industry of Hisense Group. As a major enterprise group supported by Shandong Province, Hisense Group has been clearly positioned in the field of electronic information. According to reports, Hisense has stopped investing in analog technology since last year, and has completely transferred to the digital technology field. It is led by highly sophisticated products such as multimedia network computers, digital televisions, fuzzy control air conditioners, and communications, in order to vigorously develop computers. The company focuses on products related to its technical fields and is involved in the information industry. It is reported that on the basis of the original personal computer and commercial cash register products, this year, Hisense Group will expand to include workstations, servers, notebook computers and other products. At the same time, it will also invest heavily in the construction of large-scale software companies. In combination, the prelude to entering the field of information industry has been fully opened. It is reported that Hisense Group has planned more than 200 acres of land in Qingdao High-tech Industrial Park and built the Hisense Information Industry Industrial Park. This project will be fully started during the year. In the construction of sales channels, the relationship between manufacturers and agents will be streamlined and channels will be increased.
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