近十年来 ,南方各地芒果上山连片种植 ,生产发展很快 ,但种植多年的大树和新树 ,由于品质不好或品种混杂、产量低 ,需要进行高接换种。其方法是 :一、接前准备换种前 ,对换种树要加强肥水管理。地上部分适当修剪 ,把病枝、枯枝、阴枝、过密枝、交叉枝剪除 ;对于多年生的大树 ,
Over the past decade, mangosteen plants in the south have been planted in contiguous mountains and the production has developed rapidly. However, large trees and new trees planted for many years need high exchange rates because of poor quality or mixed varieties and low yields. The method is: First, take the lead before the change, to change the tree to strengthen fertilizer and water management. On the part of the appropriate pruning, the diseased branches, dead branches, Yin branches, dense branches, cross branches cut off; for the perennial tree,