Outlook for Population and Family Planning Undertaking in 2011

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<正>2011 is the first year of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period.Li Bin,Minister of National Population and Family PIanning Commission (NPFPC) stressed at the year’s annual meeting of NPFPC Officers that family planning work in 2011 should stick to a
<正>According to NHFPC website,to strengthen moral construction of medical and health care industry,promote practices in accordance with the law and advocate ho
<正>Marvelous Internet In the last month of 2012,a piece of news caught the eyes of many people that Pope Benedict got 370,000 fans only within 24 hours after t
<正>There is no doubt that China has stepped into an aging society.All data shows that China is overtaken by population aging reluctantly——it seems we are dis
摘 要 羊肚菌产业是贡山县草果、山药等产业后的一个新兴产业,对加快农民脱贫致富步伐、推动经济发展具有十分重要的意义。鉴于贡山县气候条件优势、工业化发展水平低,为羊肚菌种植提供了优良的生长环境,也为贡山羊肚菌“贴上”名副其实的生态标签。  关键词 羊肚菌;种植;技术  中图分类号:S646.7 文献标志码:B DOI:10.19415/j.cnki.1673-890x.2019.06.026  1
<正>According to statistics from Ministry of Education,from the Reform and Opening up to the end o2013,the number of various kinds o overseas students had reach
<正>Chen Weimin, born in 1967, is professor at the School of Economics of Nankai University, doctoral tutor and Head of Population and Development Research Inst