
来源 :国外医药(抗生素分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wayl1s1s
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农药对提高农作物的产量起着极其重要的作用,人们在饱餐之余开始考虑这餐桌上丰富的食物是否会因为农药的使用而留下危害人类的副产物,是否会影响食物的营养及风味,是否会对人类生存环境带来负面影响.社会要求农药研究者审视已经实用化的农药并开发出新的既能保护农产品稳产高产,同时又不影响农产品的质量,不影响环境和其他生物安全的产品.农药研究人员不断在化学合成农药中研究寻找理想新农药的同时,发现从生物界寻找防治有害生物的生物农药是最有可能达到这种理想要求的,农用抗生素便是其中的一个分支.不少人认为生物源农药高效、安全、不污染环境、易分解、无残留,是一种理想的农药,因此对生物农药的安全性要求不高,近年来人 Pesticides play an extremely important role in increasing the yield of crops. People start to think about whether the abundant food on the table will leave the by-products that endanger human beings because of the use of pesticides and whether it will affect the nutrition and flavor of food. Whether it will have a negative impact on human living environment.Community requires pesticide researchers to examine the practical application of pesticides and develop new products that can both protect the stable and high yield of agricultural products without affecting the quality of agricultural products and the environment and other biosecurity Products.Pesticide researchers are constantly looking for ideal new pesticides in chemical synthetic pesticides and finding that biopesticides that seek pest control from the biological world are the most likely to meet this ideal and that agricultural antibiotics are one of them. Many people think that biological source pesticides are efficient and safe, do not pollute the environment, are easy to decompose and have no residue, and they are ideal pesticides. Therefore, they are less demanding on the safety of biological pesticides. In recent years,
本文分析了南芬露天矿影响中深孔爆破效果的因素,并提出了解决方法和对策,对改善露天矿爆破效果有一定参考价值. .
<正> E1077是在寻找对革兰氏阳性和阴性菌,以及厌氧菌,尤其是金色链霉菌和绿脓杆菌抗菌活性更强,而合成的约300种含氟头孢烯化合物中,所选择出的一种非肠道应用的,具广谱有效
<正> Back等在英国皇家贝尔费斯特医院对儿童囊性纤维症患者口服环丙氟哌酸的安全性进行了试验,开始对8例3~16岁严重感染患者进行了研究,体重>40kg者剂量为750mg bd,<40kg者为