7月26日,又是个星期五,对香港股民来说,这也许是刻骨铭心的一天。尽管事情已经过去一个多月,但至今回想起来仍“胆战心惊”。 就是这一天,香港股票交易市场出现一股前所未有的细(低)价股全线崩溃的惨况。269家细价股遭到恐慌性抛售,跌幅逾20%的有65家,跌30%的有17家,跌40%的有6家。其中跌幅最大的是兆晋国际,曾一度从1角7分跌到只有1分,尾市虽有回升,最后亦跌88%。整个市场市值一天之内损失近58个亿,众多股民损失惨重!
July 26, another Friday, for Hong Kong investors, this may be an unforgettable day. Although more than a month has passed, it is still “frightened” in retrospect. It is this day when the unprecedented collapse of the fine (low) price shares broke out in the Hong Kong stock exchange market. 269 penny stocks were panic-selling, down more than 20% of 65, down 30% of 17, down 40% of 6. One of the largest decline is Zhao Jin International, once dropped from 1 corner 7 points to only 1 minute, although the end of the recovery, the final fell 88%. Market value of the entire market lost nearly 58 billion one day, many shareholders suffered heavy losses!