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2006年2月13日,央行上海总部公布的2005年上海房地产贷款数据显示:2005年末,上海房地产开发贷款余额比年初增加387.8亿元,同比多增86.5亿元。个人住房贷款连续6个月负增长,7-12月累计减少117亿元,导致个人消费贷款在全部贷款中的占比出现回落。2月16日,上海银监局发布了《2005年上海房地产信贷市场运行情况分析报告》,报告明示:房贷增速回落与不良贷款趋升并存,银监会提示各银行应严加重视。2月21日,央行发布了《2005年第四季度中国货币政策执行报告》,并指出:2005年,全国个人消费贷款增速减缓,其中,个人住房贷款增长减缓显著,同比少增1629亿元,2005年末商品房空置房面积同比增长15.7%。相关数据和两个报告,在很大程度上,引起了人们对上海房地产交易低迷所引发的连锁反映的高度关注。但一方面,银监局的官员表示:对未来的房地产贷款风险,只会给商业银行进行充分的提示,而不会出台严禁贷款的措施。另一方面,有银行界人士表明:2006年,商业银行并没有打算减少房地产企业的贷款。就目前的现状,本刊近日邀请到王国刚、史建平、刘梓、许多四位专家学者和业内人士,就上海房地产业引发的各种问题展开探讨。 On February 13, 2006, the Shanghai real estate loan data released by the Shanghai Central Bank in 2005 showed that at the end of 2005, the balance of real estate development loans in Shanghai increased by 38.78 billion yuan over the beginning of the year and by 8.65 billion yuan over the same period of last year. Personal housing loans for six consecutive months of negative growth in July-December total reduction of 11.7 billion yuan, resulting in personal consumer loans in all loans declined. On February 16, Shanghai Banking Regulatory Bureau released the “Analysis Report on the Operation of Shanghai Real Estate Credit Market in 2005”, stating clearly that the slowdown of mortgage growth and the rising of non-performing loans co-exist, and the CBRC prompts banks to pay more attention. On February 21, the central bank released the “Report on the Implementation of China’s Monetary Policy in the Fourth Quarter of 2005” and pointed out: In 2005, the growth rate of personal consumer loans in the PRC slowed down. Among them, the slowdown in the growth of personal housing loans was remarkable, with a year-on-year decrease of 162.9 billion yuan At the end of 2005, the vacant housing area of ​​commercial buildings increased by 15.7% over the same period of last year. Relevant data and two reports, to a large extent, have drawn great attention to the chain reaction caused by the sluggish real estate transaction in Shanghai. However, on the one hand, the officials of the Banking Regulatory Bureau said: The risk of real estate loans to the future will only give commercial banks sufficient tips, but will not introduce a loan-free measures. On the other hand, some people in the banking sector show that in 2006, commercial banks did not intend to reduce loans to real estate enterprises. On the current status quo, we recently invited Wang Guogang, Shi Jianping, Liu Zi, many of the four experts and scholars and practitioners to discuss various issues arising from the real estate industry in Shanghai.