2018 China Textile Economic Development Summit successfully held in Henan

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  In the afternoon of November 29th, 2018 China Textile Economic Development Summit, advised by China National Textile and Apparel Council, and jointly organized by China Textile Enterprise Association, Henan Textile Industry Association, Henan Textile Engineering Society, China Textile Magazine, GERON Card Clothing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., Henan Pingmian Textile Group Co., Ltd. and Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd., was held in Zhengzhou, Henan province. The summit, themed on “High-quality Interconnection, Powerful Acceleration, Winning the Future”, aimed to focus on the current hot topics to comprehensively sort out the new development ideas of the current textile and garment industry, clarify the new industry mission, and strengthen the confidence for the development of the majority of textile and garment enterprise, fully displaying the brand new image of China’s textile and garment industry.
  Cao Xuejun, Deputy Director of Consumer Goods Division of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, pointed out in her speech that the rapid development of China’s textile industry in the 40 years of reform and opening up has benefited from China’s policy of opening to the outside world, benefiting from the reform of the system and mechanism, and benefiting from the optimization of cross-regional cross-factors as well as the hard work of entrepreneurs and workers. Since the beginning of this year, the growth rate of the textile industry has continued to decline, but the structural adjustment and quality-effective development have shown a positive momentum. It is a new space for the development of the textile industry to optimize the industrial structure, improve the quality and efficiency, upgrade to the middle and high end, enhance the drive force of innovation, and cultivate the core competitiveness of technology, quality and brand. The textile industry is in the midst of a turbulent period of growth driving force conversion, mode change and structural optimization. Recently, President Xi Jinping held a private enterprise symposium and delivered an important speech, which enhanced the confidence of the industry and entrepreneurs. From the next year, the instability and uncertainty of the international economic environment have increased. There has been no fundamental change in China’s long-term economic fundamentals. The industrial economic development has strong resilience, the industrial supporting system is perfect, and the strategy of manufacturing and strengthening the country has continued. The new growth driver of new technologies and new industries such as the Internet and artificial intelligence will continue to strengthen the supporting role of industry, and the development environment of the real economy is expected to be further improved. Next year, the textile industry will see promotion to the transformation of quality, efficiency and power to achieve high-quality development.   Yao Yanling, Deputy Inspector of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Henan Province, said in his speech that the textile industry is a traditional advantageous industry in Henan Province. After years of development, it has formed a complete modern industrial system of the textile industry including spinning, weaving, dyeing and finishing, garment and textile machinery manufacturing. A number of textile and garment industrial clusters and processing and production bases have emerged one after another. Since the beginning of this year, the textile industry as a whole has been running smoothly, but it also faces problems such as difficulty in recruiting labor, high labor costs, difficulties in financing, troubles in raw materials, and increased pressure on environmental protection, which has brought certain challenges to the steady growth of the industry. In the next step, Henan textile industry will take the intelligent transformation as the guide, continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of the consumer goods industry, im- prove quality and efficiency, and strive to improve the technological innovation and creative design capabilities of the textile industry, promote the increase of varieties, and carry out in-depth development.
  Yang Jun, Deputy Secretary-General of China National Textile and Apparel Council and Executive Vice President of China Textile Enterprise Association, said that since the reform and opening up 40 years ago, China has become the world’s largest textile producer, consumer and exporter. It has played an important role in beautifying people’s lives, driving related industries, stimulating domestic demand growth, building ecological civilization, enhancing cultural self-confidence, and promoting social harmony. China’s active integration into the process of globalization has become an important platform for supporting the healthy and stable operation of the world textile industry system and promoting the global economic and cultural cooperation.
  Song Songji, President of Henan Textile Industry Association, pointed out that in recent years, through the joint efforts of the whole industry, the textile industry system has been improved day by day, and the industry has distinctive development features. On the one hand, the development trend of the textile and garment industry is obvious, and the industrial clusters and characteristic parks have begun to take shape. On the other hand, a large number of textile and garment backbone enterprises have enjoyed continuously improved equipment level and continuously enhanced core competitiveness through technological introduction and transformation, becoming backbone support of the development of Henan textile industry. At this stage, Henan Province has more than 20 million spindles of cotton spinning, accounting for 18% of the national scale, ranking second in the country. Fabrics, chemical fibers and garments account for about 4%, 1% and 5% of the total national output respectively, ranked 8th, 8th and 6th in the country respectively. The main business income, total profit and tax, and total profit accounted for 6.5%, 7.5% and 5% of the national textile industry respectively, all ranked first in the six provinces in the central region. Song Jisong said that the conference will promote the textile industry to deepen exchange ideas and accelerate the development and upgrading of Henan textile industry.   In the face of the current situation of global multilateral trade, how can the future world economic destiny community be built? Chi Yinhong, a State Council counselor and professor at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, and director of the American Studies Center gave the answer. He pointed out that in the face of SinoU.S. trade confrontation, it is necessary to optimize the cognitive system and clarify the strategic thinking, and it is necessary to deepen the reform of globalization. Only a world economic and trade order and globaliza-tion are reformed in the direction of benefiting the developing countries, can reasonable and sustainable development be achieved. The primary problem in today’s world is how to achieve common prosperity and common prosperity within developing countries. These problems are more important than the pursuit of common prosperity in the developed world. Therefore, we must have basic policy and strategic innovations, and strive for globalization that is beneficial to China to conduct a larger domestic and international strategic layout.
  Sun Weiwei, an analyst of the textile and garment industry of Everbright Securities Research Institute, answered the question of “How does China’s textile and garment industry respond to the situation in the context of stable and changeable?”She said that the upstream and downstream of the textile and garment industry have different characteristics and attributes. In the long-term, the downstream brand apparel industry has a large development space for industry space, concentration and leading share. In the short- to mediumterm perspective, positive and negative factors are intertwined, and the industry is getting out of adjustment for recovery. The income is subject to certain pressure from retail sales. In the long run, textile manufacturing industry in the upstream witnessed a downward extent of industry prosperity. Capacity transfer is becoming a trend. The leader is expected to win through the global layout. The long-term cotton price supply and demand pattern determines the downward trend. The shortterm cotton price is affected by multiple factors such as demand and new cotton supply. Short-term exports have improved and benefited from depreciation, but attention should be paid to the impact of trade friction and subsequent trends.
  Zhou Yejun, Chairman of Wuxi Yimian Textile Group Co., Ltd., analyzed and interpreted the motivation of the textile company’s internationalization strategy. She pointed out that since almost 100 years ago, the enterprise has been focusing on one thing, spinning and weaving, carefully creating high-quality yarns and fine fabrics, insisting on the road of high- quality development, positioning high-end products, striving for high-end market, and having its yarn products fully embody technology, fashion, and sustainability. She shared the development experience of Wuxi Yimian: staying true to the mission to spin the ultra-high count of yarns with the spirit of artisans; taking the high-end foothold to take the road of highquality development and create a self-owned brand; efficient management to integrate information and industrialization through intelligent manufacturing and innovative management starting from its own needs, and to use big data for management services. She analyzed the current motivation for the company’s going global: the production factors of China’s manufacturing industry, such as labor, cost, and competitive factors, are weakening; the Belt and Road national policy brings new opportunities for enterprise development; the countries along the Belt and Road have abundant labor force, favorable foreign trade environment; therefore, the incentive policy is attracted, the market potential is huge, and the raw material advantage is obvious.   At present, the development of private enterprises has become the focus of the people of the country. How should small and medium-sized private enterprises release their vitality and creativity and play their role as a “ballast stone”? As the only company in the world that has fully covered the research and development of carding equipment components, GERON Card Clothing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. ranks first in the world in terms of production capacity and sales volume of carding equipment. GERON Card Clothing is the first to be listed in the Chinese textile equipment accessory industry. After entering the capital market, it focuses on the industrial segmentation, and combines advantageous enterprises to promote industrial upgrading. At the conference, Wei Xianliang, General Manager of GERON Card Clothing (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. shared the development overview and management experience of GERON, and also deeply analyzed the economic environment faced by China’s private economy and the role of the private economy in the new era. GERON focuses on the main business, core competence, and positive culture, and pursues continuous excellence. He said that since the establishment of the GERON Card Clothing(Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., the development has always been focusing on textile carding equipment, covering all product grades and market segments, relying on the “four in one” research and development platform to innovative technology, improve product quality, and establish a precise marketing platform, in order to achieve the mission of “leading the development of the carding equipment industry and contributing to the advancement of the global textile industry” and the vision of “becoming the world leader in carding equipment, the preferred supplier of customers, and the work and growth platform that employees love”.
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