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這次河南省委召開的第二次黨代表會議,讨論了河南全省的剿匪问題,明確規定今後一定時期內以澈底剿匪為河南全黨的中心任務。這次會議,分析了河南土匪的历史情况與现狀后,认為剿匪是一個不可跳越的历史任務,明確指出目前不决心剿匪会犯歷史错誤,正如下一步不决心發動群众進行有步骤有系統的社會改革,也要犯历史錯誤一樣。會議检討過失由於對土匪認識不足,貫澈到底的精神不够,發動群众起來剿匪的指导思想不明確,因而三起三伏,未能根絕土匪。这次會議提出今後总口号是肅清土匪、打倒恶霸、發动群众,三者并應互相結合滲透。关於消滅土匪的办法,會議認為必须集中力量,明確政策,依靠羣眾,務使三者密切結合,缺一不可。這次會議,我們認為開得很好,提出的任务,總結的經验,今后的辦法,基本上都是正確的,与華中局的方針精神是一致的,值得华中其他地區研究和參考。 The second meeting of party representatives held by the Henan Provincial Party Committee discussed the issue of suppressing bandits throughout Henan Province and clearly stipulated the central task of eliminating bandits as the entire party in the next certain period in time. After analyzing the history and current situation of the bandits in Henan, the meeting considered that banditry is a historical task that can not be skipped over and clearly states that at present it is not determined to suppress the bandits and will make a historical mistake. Just as the next step is not determined to mobilize the masses to conduct Steps of systematic social reform, but also make the same mistake of history. Due to the lack of understanding of the bandits and the lack of thoroughness in the end, the guiding principle for mobilizing the masses to suppress bandits was ambiguous. As a result, they failed to eradicate the bandits. The meeting proposed that the general slogan of the future be to eliminate bandits, defeat the bully and mobilize the masses. The three should be combined with each other. With regard to the eradication of bandits, the meeting considered it necessary to concentrate on one party’s efforts, clarify policies and rely on the masses so that the three can be closely integrated. The meeting, which we think is well done, the tasks proposed, the lessons learned and the ways in the future, are all basically correct and consistent with the principle and principle of the Central Government Bureau. It is worthy of research and reference in other parts of Central China.
笔者酷爱收藏,在收藏的道路上跌爬滚打、含辛茹苦地走过了二十年。作为《收藏界》的忠实读者和作者,把《收藏界》杂志当作良师益友,相依相伴走过了十年。的确,在历史的长河里十年只是弹指一挥间的事,三千多个日日夜夜,有多少事要去做,又是多么的短暂,人生又有多少个十年啊?  常言说:“十年寒窗,在此一举。”指的是古时莘莘学子萤光雪案、铁砚磨穿,考取功名之日,而《收藏界》十年铸剑,也就是取得辉煌成就、硕果累累的
天时历来是作战胜利与否的要素之一。古往今来,作战双方无不竭力选择利于己而不利于敌的天时条件。可是你是否知道,在日本自卫队中就有这样一支专门观天测地的气象部队。 航
谁发动了军事革命? 曾任美国国防部副部长、部长的佩里早在1978年就宣称:“美国对敌方目标已经具备了三种能力:在战场上任何时候都能够发现任何高价值目标;目标一经发现,便
2012年3月17日-3月19日,由中国文博网、《文物鉴定与鉴赏》杂志主办的中国文博网第四届(杭州)网友会暨中国文博网论坛2011年工作总结表彰大会在杭州顺利召开。来自全国各地的60多位网友相聚杭州,交流学习,增进感情,共商中国文博网的发展大计。  本次网友会受到主办方领导高度重视,大会召开之前,安徽中洲投资公司董事长、中国计算机函授学院院长、《文物鉴定与鉴赏》杂志社长钱洲胜特地发来贺词,预祝网友
贾宝玉“如水”的精神气质所呈示的意味,既是贾宝玉这个艺术形象真正的美学价值所在,更是深受《老子》“上善若水”影响的曹雪芹创作《红楼梦》一书的精神卓超之处。 Jia Ba