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“自主创新”进入主流语汇之后,紧随其后的是“科技春天”。但事实上,“自主创新”的提出,并不是一个循环往复的季节开始,而是一个划时代的开局。如果我们用惯性思维来关注国家电网公司2006年科技工作会议,就可能对其特殊意义认识不足。在这次里程碑式的会议上,公司“十一五” “Independent innovation” into the mainstream vocabulary, followed by “science and technology spring.” However, in fact, the proposal of “independent innovation” is not a cyclical beginning but an epoch-making start. If we use inertial thinking to pay attention to the State Grid Corporation 2006 scientific and technological work conference, may not understand its special significance. In this landmark meeting, the company “Eleventh Five-Year”
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In2005,the maximum load and electricity consumption of the whole society in Beijing came up to10,650MW and57.05TWh respectively,both hitting an all-time high.Ur
A150-MW gas-fired generating unit of Sulige generation project in Inner Mongolia went into commercial operation in April this year.It is the first gas-fired uni
文章亮点把凡·高富有艺术才情的一生,比作花开时刹那的芳华,以饱蘸深情的笔墨写下了对凡·高及其艺术的理解。 The highlight of the article compares the life of Van Go
China has approved the outline for mid-and long-term development of nuclear power generation(2005-2020)in a bid to boost clean energy production.The outline was
(一)     “天涯远不远?”  “不远。”  “为什么?”  “因为它就在你心中。”  那天下午放学,我和王子背着书包沿着滨江大道往回走,他突然引诱我和他一起演习这段古龙的经典对白。说完这些话,王子仍沉溺在成为孤儿的幻想中,那样,他就可四海为家,到处去流浪了。  尽管凡事我都喜欢和他对着干,可是,事关流浪,却也勾起了我的美好遐想。“古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。”疏离、失落、落魄、浪漫