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在初中物理教学中,练习是重要的一环。要使学生牢固地掌握物理基础知识和基本规律,并能灵活运用所学知识解决一些简单的实际问题,必须加强练习,重视习题教学。下面谈谈对习题教学的一些认识。 一、重视解题目的教学,使学生正确对待练习 学生通过做物理习题,可以进一步加深对所学的基础知识的理解,提高应用物理规律解决实际问题的能力。但初学物理的学生,往往只注意背公式,套公式,满足于求得计算的结果,追求解题的数量,对解习题的目的不甚了解,因而知识学得比较“死”。为了提高物理习题教学的质量,平时讲授新知识,做有关巩固新知识的习题时,要先与学生分析每一道习题 In junior high school physics teaching, practice is an important part. To enable students to firmly grasp the basic knowledge of physics and basic laws, and can use the knowledge to solve some simple practical problems, we must strengthen the practice, emphasis on exercise teaching. Here to talk about some of the problems of teaching knowledge. First, pay attention to solve the problem of teaching so that students can correctly deal with Exercises Students through physical exercises, you can further deepen the understanding of the basic knowledge learned to improve the application of the laws of physics to solve practical problems. However, for beginner students, they often only pay attention to the formula of the back and the formulas. They are satisfied with the result of the calculation and the quantity of solving the problem. They do not know enough about the purpose of the solution, and thus the knowledge is more “dead.” In order to improve the quality of physical exercises teaching, usually teaching new knowledge, to do to consolidate new knowledge exercises, we must first analyze with students each exercise
Based on the Wuhan Yangtse River Tunnel Project, the low-penetration fiber concrete used in the protecting layer of Wuhan Yangtse River Tunnel tube has been stu