A novel bioactive nerve conduit for the repair of peripheral nerve injury

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoxiang19931030
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The use of a nerve conduit provides an opportunity to regulate cytokines, growth factors and neurotrophins in peripheral nerve regeneration and avoid autograft defects. We constructed a poly-D-L-lactide(PDLLA)-based nerve conduit that was modified using poly{(lactic acid)-co-[(glycolic acid)-alt-(L-lysine)]} and β-tricalcium phosphate. The effectiveness of this bioactive PDLLA-based nerve conduit was compared to that of PDLLA-only conduit in the nerve regeneration following a 10-mm sciatic nerve injury in rats. We observed the nerve morphology in the early period of regeneration, 35 days post injury, using hematoxylin-eosin and methylene blue staining. Compared with the PDLLA conduit, the nerve fibers in the PDLLA-based bioactive nerve conduit were thicker and more regular in size. Muscle fibers in the soleus muscle had greater diameters in the PDLLA bioactive group than in the PDLLA only group. The PDLLA-based bioactive nerve conduit is a promising strategy for repair after sciatic nerve injury. The use of a nerve conduit provides an opportunity to regulate cytokines, growth factors and neurotrophins in peripheral nerve regeneration and avoid autograft defects. We constructed a poly-DL-lactide (PDLLA) -based nerve conduit that was modified using poly {(lactic acid ) -co - [(glycolic acid) -alt- (L-lysine)]} and β-tricalcium phosphate. The effectiveness of this bioactive PDLLA-based nerve conduit was compared to that of PDLLA-only conduit in the nerve regeneration following a Compared with the PDLLA conduit, the nerve fibers in the PDLLA-based bioactive nerve conduit were thicker and more regular in size. Muscle fibers in the soleus muscle had greater diameters in the PDLLA bioactive group than in the PDLLA only group. The PDLLA-based bioactive nerve conduit is a promising strategy for repair after sciatic n erve injury.
应用新鲜玻璃体、生理盐水、林格氏液(Ringer′s sol.)和脑脊髓液等置换混浊的玻璃体或陈旧眼内出血的办法,本世纪初即已开始。至30年代配合视网膜脱离手术的发展,上述几种
人物名片  陈若星,原文化艺术报社总编辑,现任西安女性文化研究会会长,陕西省政协委员。先后在《人民日报》(海外版)、《光明日报》、《中国妇女报》等报刊发表各类作品。出版译著《烈火与恐怖》、《女性·职业·家庭》,故事集《没有讲过的故事》,述评《古城飞歌》,报告文学散文随笔集《夏花秋叶》(上下卷)、《俄罗斯札记》,电视剧《日暮乡关》等。曾被评为全国道德模范、全国新闻出版行业抗震救灾先进个人、全国优秀新