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“政府”和“市场”双双失灵之时,产生了非营利组织,构筑了现代三元社会结构.作为第三部门的非营利组织,为社会提供公共产品和服务配送,在中国的转型社会中肩负着太多的责任,其发展状况是中国社会能否成功转型的关键.然而,资金瓶颈制约着中国非营利组织的生存和发展.迄今为止,系统研究非营利组织财务开发的文献甚少.尝试借助利益相关者、关系契约、信号等理论,建构了一个博弈分析的框架,基于非营利组织与政府和营利组织合作视角,对非营利组织财务开发策略的理论支撑进行了探索性研究,并提出了一系列财务开发策略,试图缓解或解决其所面临的主要困境,以实现非营利组织健康可持续发展. “Government ” and “Market ” When both failed, a non-profit organization, to build a modern ternary social structure.As the third sector of non-profit organizations, providing public goods and services for the community distribution, in China Of the transitional society shouldering too much responsibility, and its development status is the key to the successful transformation of Chinese society.However, funding bottleneck restricts the survival and development of non-profit organizations in China.So far, the systematic study of non-profit organization financial development There is little literature.Through the theory of stakeholder, contract, signal and so on, this paper constructs a framework of game analysis and explores the theoretical support of non-profit organization’s financial development strategy based on the cooperation between non-profit organization and government and for-profit organization And put forward a series of financial development strategies in an attempt to alleviate or solve the major dilemmas they face in order to realize the healthy and sustainable development of non-profit organizations.
The implication of the revelation of the inverse leaf aging sequence (ILAS) of wheat needs to be probed in theory and practice. Since 2005, the comparison exper
随着核技术应用的快速发展,对X/γ光子屏蔽材料提出了功能和结构一体化的要求。针对这种需求,设计了一种新型碳纤维增强聚酰亚胺基复合材料。基于Monte Carlo N-Particle Tra