Devices for optical communications

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Coupled with the rapid emergence of lightwave communications,there has been agrowing research and development effort on optical devices.Research interest is expand-ing from devices compatible with multimode fibers to those compatible with single-modefibers,and from devices operating in the 0.8μm region of the spectrum to devices ca-pable of operating in the long-wavelength regibn near 1.3 and 1.6 μm.Important is-sues in improving first-generatoin devices include laser degradation and the operatinglife of lasers,yield,stability and self-pulsations of lasers.One goal of work on second-generation devices is to make available single-transverse-mode kasers cinoatible with Coupled with the rapid emergence of lightwave communications, there has been been agrowing research and development effort on optical devices. Research interest is expand-ing from devices compatible with multimode fibers to those compatible with single-mode moderators, and from devices operating in the 0.8 μιη region of the spectrum to devices ca-pable of operating in the long-wavelength regibn near 1.3 and 1.6 μm. Implant is-sues in improving first-generatoin devices include laser degradation and the operating life of lasers, yield, stability and self-pulsations of lasers .One goal of work on second-generation devices is to make available single-transverse-mode kasers cinoatible with
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