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语文教学一半是科学,一半是艺术。这确乎道出了语文教学的奥秘。所谓科学,是说它遵循着铁一样的规律;所谓艺术,是说它具备着水一样的灵活。教学艺术,对教师而言,在多彩多姿的课堂中,主要是“导演”的艺术。不是教师表演,学生欣赏,而是教师采用多种方式让学生在有限时间里积极主动地去思考,去领悟,去发现,去创造。讲台上放着一盆花,黑板上有一则“壮”字形的板书……无疑都是这种导演艺术的体现。优秀的教师上一堂课,设计一个环节,具有一种勇气,不惜精力和时间反复钻研,直至痴心着迷。显然,本期刊登的一组“教学艺术镜头”便是作者教学中这种勇气的结晶。它们是真实的有探索性的,在编者——我们相信,也自然在读者——的心目中,它们是生动、丰富、有生命力的活的课堂语文教育学。本栏目的内容,虽然冠以“艺术”的雅称,但决不是高不可攀的。许许多多成功、精彩的“镜头”存在于每一所学校、每一间课堂和每一位教师的心灵中。亲爱的读者,倘如您是一位有着二三十年教龄的老教师,那末在您二三十年的教学生涯中定会有历久难忘的、时时萦怀并引为自豪的得意的“课堂镜头”;倘如您是一位才登杏坛的青年教师,即便短短时日,也定会有闪现年轻人特有机敏和独创的“教学片断”。我们期待着,期待各位写出自己的或他人的精彩的教学片断回忆,共同构筑、充实这门活的语文教育学!谢谢合作。 Language teaching is half science and half art. This really tells the mystery of language teaching. The so-called science means that it follows the same rules as iron; the so-called art means that it is as flexible as water. The art of teaching, for teachers, is mainly the art of “directors” in a multicolored classroom. Not teacher performances, students appreciate, but teachers use a variety of ways to allow students to actively think, comprehend, discover, and create within a limited time. There is a potted flower on the podium, and a “strength” shaped blackboard on the blackboard... This is undoubtedly the embodiment of this directorial art. Excellent teachers attend a class and design a link. They have the courage to study and study hard until they are obsessed. Obviously, the set of “teaching art scene” published in this issue is the crystallization of this courage in the author’s teaching. They are real and exploratory. In the minds of the editors--we believe in, and naturally in the readers--they are vivid, abundant, and lively living classroom language pedagogy. Although the content of this column is nicknamed “artistic”, it is by no means unattainable. Many successful and exciting “lenses” exist in the hearts of every school, every classroom and every teacher. Dear readers, if you are an old teacher with a teaching age of 20 to 30 years, then in your 20 or 30 years of teaching career, there will be an unforgettable, proud, and proud “classroom” that will never be forgotten. Lens “; If you are a young teacher who has just taken Dengtan, even in a short time, there will be flashes of young people’s special organic and original ”teaching section ". We look forward to expecting you to write your own or others’ wonderful teaching recollections to build and enrich this live language education! Thank you for your cooperation.
欢迎来稿。凡持有名人谈及语丈教育方面的书札,敬请复印息寄。并请推荐者略加文字说明。 Welcome to the submission. For those who hold celebrities who talk about educ
是河流注定要奔波 是山恋注定成景致 流水仿佛大地的脉搏 延绵了千万年的流淌 造就了生命不息的品格 我们从追求中走来 Is destined to run around the river is bound to
“天空黑得像锅底。” “夜躲进岩石像粘稠的石油。” “刺骨的寒风一阵紧似一阵无情地袭来,那景象好似又要进入冰河时期了。” 人们经常见到的比喻,就像上例第一句以“锅底