抓住机遇 走自己的路——武汉市鹏凌集团董事局总裁陈春林纪略

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成功者的秘诀之一就是能抓住机遇,迎难而上。陈春林丢掉铁饭碗,站在时代的前列,抓住一个又一个机遇,在非国有经济领域开拓进取,由3000元起家,迅速发展成为拥有上亿资产的科技型实业家。他的座右铭是:看准方向,走自己的路。 1974年7月,年仅19岁的陈春林完成了武汉市商业学校服装设计专业的学业,分配到武汉市纺织品公司服装批发部,任技术员兼产品检验员。20年前能捧起这样一个“铁饭碗” One of the secrets of success is to seize the opportunity to meet difficulties. Chen Chunlin threw away his iron rice bowl and stood at the forefront of the times. He took the opportunity one after another to make progress in the non-state-owned economy. Starting from 3,000 yuan, Chen quickly developed into a science and technology industrialist with hundreds of millions of assets. His motto is: look at the direction, go their own way. July 1974, only 19-year-old Chen Chunlin completed a commercial school in Wuhan City, specializing in apparel design, distribution to the textile company in Wuhan City Department of Clothing Wholesale, as technicians and product inspectors. Twenty years ago to win such an “iron rice bowl”
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