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全球变暖问题日益严重,低碳产品的理念被越来越多的消费者接受,供应商需要进行碳减排改造以生产低碳产品。我国中小企业居多,而碳减排改造资金量需求较大,需要进行融资以获得碳减排改造资金。本文研究零售商为供应商提供内部碳减排融资,运用两阶段Stackelberg博弈在分散决策和集中决策两种情形下进行优化,以达到供应链最大化利润。研究表明,零售商主导的分散决策下消费者低碳偏好和内外部融资利率的升高均会导致分散决策供应链总利润升高,而单位碳减排量成本和外部投资利率的升高会导致分散决策总利润的降低,供应商主导的分散决策下仅批发价与内部融资利率有关,集中决策的利润仅与消费者低碳偏好和单位碳减排量成本有关,随消费者碳减排偏好增加而增大,随单位碳减排量成本增加而降低。本文针对分散决策和集中决策的结论可以用在不同类型的供应链中,以对实际的碳减排投资和融资进行参考。 The problem of global warming is getting worse day by day. The concept of low-carbon products is accepted by more and more consumers. Suppliers need to transform their carbon emission reduction to produce low-carbon products. China’s small and medium-sized enterprises are mostly, while the amount of carbon reduction and reconstruction funds in large demand, the need for financing to obtain carbon reduction and reconstruction funds. This paper studies retailers to provide internal carbon emission reduction financing for suppliers, the use of two-stage Stackelberg game in decentralized decision-making and centralized decision-making under two cases to optimize the supply chain to achieve maximum profit. The research shows that under the retailer-led decentralized decision-making, the low carbon preferences of consumers and the rise of internal and external financing rates will lead to the increase of the total profits of the decentralized decision-making supply chain, while the unit carbon emission reduction costs and external investment rates will increase Leading to a decrease in the total profit of decentralized decision-making. Under the supplier-led decentralized decision, only the wholesale price is related to the internal financing interest rate. The profit of centralized decision-making is only related to the consumer’s low carbon preference and the unit cost of carbon emission reductions, Preferences increase and increase, with the unit cost of carbon emission reduction increases. The conclusions of this paper for decentralized and centralized decision making can be used in different types of supply chains to reference the actual investment and financing of carbon reduction.
题目:设计一个坐具,能够非常舒适的把人托起材料: 1.25mm×50mm木料1根,长2米 2.1000mm×700mm帆布1块 3.φ10mm圆钢1根,长1米 4.尼龙绳1根,长2米 5.φ25mm木棍1根,