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物理概念是学生正确认识物理世界的基础。学生学习物理知识往往是先从概念学习开始的,而使学生形成正确的物理概念是一个复杂的认识过程。目前物理概念教学的一般程序是:先是由教师提供丰富的感性材料,创造思维情景,然后教师引导学生利用适当的科学方法从这些感性材料中抽象出一类事物的本质属性,给出确切定义,弄清物理意义,最后运用概念解决实际问题,以明确物理概念的使用范围。教学之后再通过测验来检验一下学生对概念的掌握情况。虽然在具体教学过程中教师会使用各种不同的教学方法和手段来丰富概念教学过程,如尽可能多的列举教师所能想到的生活现象,尽可能多的做一些相应概念的练习。可却有一些学生处于概念理解上的误区,进一步分析物理概念教学过程,我们会发现大多数的物理教师们在概念教学中忽略了学生在接受一 The concept of physics is the basis for students to correctly understand the physical world. Students learn physical knowledge often begins with concept learning, and it is a complex cognitive process to make students form the correct physical concept. At present, the general procedure of physical concept teaching is: First, teachers provide rich perceptual materials to create thinking scenarios. Then teachers guide students to use appropriate scientific methods to abstract the essential attributes of a class of things from these perceptual materials and give precise definitions. Understand the physical meaning, and finally use concepts to solve practical problems to clarify the scope of use of physical concepts. After the test, students will test the concept of mastery through tests. Although in the specific teaching process, teachers will use a variety of different teaching methods and means to enrich the concept of teaching process, such as enumerating as many teachers can think of the phenomenon of life, as much as possible to do some of the corresponding concepts of practice. However, there are some students who are misunderstanding the concept of understanding, further analysis of the process of physical concept teaching, we will find that most of the physics teachers ignore the students in the concept of teaching
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一般来说 ,要解决比较复杂的化学问题 ,除学生具有扎实的基础知识、较强的思考能力 ,灵活多变的解题思路外 ,还必须具备正确的思想方法。解决化学问题常见的思想方法有 :原型
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