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时间对于张道华来说如金子般宝贵。然而,张道华却把两个半天的时间扔给了我们……张道华——中国·惠州——一名地级市公安局在职副局长,在繁忙的工作之外,年创作十部公安题材长篇小说从2001年始已陆续出版《非常绑票》、《夜幕较量》、《资本谎言》三部长篇逾百万字,其《夜幕较量》已被改编成电视连续剧,另两部版权已卖给北京、江苏的某影视公司,而第四部长篇小说又已楔入笔端。张道华习惯地坐在那张黄褐色办公椅上,伏案于同一色调的办公桌上,批阅文件。每次我们推门进去的时候他都定格于这种姿式。这就是那位《中国神探》的原型:中等个头,黑发浓眉,天庭朗照,地壳丰满。目光锐而透慈祥,神思敏而聚正气。面颊消瘦,极显干练之形;鼻翼翕张,谋略藏于胸壑,赳赳武夫、泼墨文豪隐形于深色便装,不觉惊世骇俗。可正是:凡人看来不高,高人看来不凡!在平静中我们走近了他,他也平静地向我们走来,并一同走进了他那风雨如磐的岁月……上篇:炼炉如果命运是块顽石,我就化作大铁锤,将他砸得粉碎, Time is as precious as gold for Zhang Daohua. However, Zhang Daohua has thrown two and a half days to us ... Zhang Taohua - Huizhou, China - A prefectural-level city public security bureau serving deputy director, outside the busy work, the creation of ten public security novels Since 2001, there have been published more than one million words including “Bad Tied Tickets,” “Night Bouts,” and “Capital Lies.” The “Night Bouts” have been adapted into television series. The other two titles have been sold to Beijing and Jiangsu A movie company, while the fourth novel has wedged his pen. Zhang Daohua habitually sat on that yellow-brown office chair, desk in the same color desk, read the document. Every time we push the door into the time he will be stuck in this position. This is the prototype of the “Chinese detective”: medium-sized, dark-browed, longitude in the sky, full of crust. Eyes sharp and kind, God thinks and get together. Thin cheeks, very significant shape of the form; nose 翕 Zhang, scheming hidden in the chest, 赳 赳 Wu Fu, inhuman ink invisible in dark casual wear, not shocking vulgar. It may be: mortal does not seem high, expert seems extraordinary! In calm we approached him, he also quietly came to us, and together into his stormy years ...... 上 篇: Furnace If the fate of a piece of stone, I turned into a big hammer, smashed him smash,
编辑同志: 我们在集镇的街头巷尾,社员的家前屋后,甚至在车站、码头、食堂、饭店等公共场所,以及食用水源里,常常看到死老鼠。有的小孩子还拿着死老鼠玩耍。众所周知,老鼠虽
1 IntroductionrnKnowledge on the impact of pore-fluid salinity, characterized by the changes of pH, ionic concentra-tion, material composition, and other factor
经历了一学期的辛苦,毕业创作终于完成了。有人说,画家看待自己的作品,犹如自己的子女。 After a semester of hard work, graduation was finally completed. Some people
位于山西省长治市东南40公里的太行山深处,距平顺县城十来里的西沟,是我早已慕名但久未成行之地。2003年7月,我终于利用到上党(长治市)出差的机会抽空访问了西沟。 Located