Measurement of Refractive Index of Liquid-state Alloy SCN-Eth by Laser Interference

来源 :Semiconductor Photonics and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zsj520yxq
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The method to measure the refractive index of the liquid-state metal is introduced. By inserting a wedge sample cell to the optical path of the Michelson interferometer, the refractive index of the liquid-state alloy SCN-Eth is measured at different temperatures and densities. The results show that this method can be applied to measure the refractive index of various liquids, especially at different temperatures. The method to measure the refractive index of the liquid-state metal is introduced. By inserting a wedge sample cell to the optical path of the Michelson interferometer, the refractive index of the liquid-state alloy SCN-Eth is measured at different temperatures and densities The results show that this method can be applied to measure the refractive index of various liquids, especially at different temperatures.
昔日,我们江南水乡河网交错、气候温和,雨量充沛,环境幽雅,各种鱼类繁殖多,生长快,垂钓者无论在何时何处下钩必有所获。 然而,近年来经济发展了,环境却日趋恶化,河水渐渐失
去年9月下旬,在安徽蚌埠市举办的“特制黄山烟杯”全国钓鱼邀请赛上,来自北京的著名钓手王建中,3小时比赛钓得鲫鱼219尾,轰动了全场。 他是怎么钓的呢? 比赛哨声一响,王建中
1994年10月21日我和钓友一起去郑州东南20余公里的小范庄水库钓鱼。这里鲫鱼很多,我照例用白酒泡小米,每隔3米分左中右打了3个窝。我用的是7米软竿,7星散 On October 21, 1
一、调四目钓二目量度 台湾钓法漂调四目钓二目,已为众多钓者所熟知。该组合调试时使空钩悬浮、漂外露四目、挂饵后漂降为二目,刚好使饵的重力等于二目的浮力;当饵自然溶散