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我国的血吸虫病防治工作已取得了巨大成绩。但是,随着血防工作的不断深入和发展,血吸虫病诊断工作已越来越不能适应客观要求,存在不少新问题,如病原诊断(粪便检查和直肠活组织检查)的漏诊、免疫诊断的准确性、在基本消灭血吸虫病地区怎样进行查病以及查病工作中的攻关等问题,这些都是血防科技人员非常关心并亟须解决的问题。为此,本刊从实际出发,组织了这次“血吸虫病的诊断专题笔谈”,特邀部分有关专业人员参加,旨在各抒己见,集思广益,使广大血防科研人员对目前血吸虫病诊断的进展情况和存在问题以及怎样开展查病工作等有所了解,以利共同努力尽早解决查病工作中存在的关键问题。 China’s schistosomiasis prevention and control work has made great achievements. However, with the continuous deepening and development of blood-borne work, the diagnosis of schistosomiasis has become increasingly unable to meet the objective requirements. There are many new problems, such as the omission of pathogen diagnosis (stool examination and rectal biopsy), the accuracy of immunodiagnosis Nature, the basic elimination of schistosomiasis in the area how to carry out disease detection and disease detection work and other issues, these are the blood of science and technology personnel are very concerned and urgently needed to solve the problem. To this end, the magazine set out from reality, organized the “diagnosis of schistosomiasis topic pen”, invited some professionals to participate, designed to express their views, brainstorming, so that the majority of blood-borne scientific research staff on the current diagnosis of schistosomiasis progress and Existing problems and how to carry out the work of checking the disease so as to make joint efforts to solve the key problems in the checkup work as soon as possible.
通过超大直径环撑的施工实践,对其工艺优化和安全度进行了探讨。 Through the construction practice of large diameter ring bracing, the optimization and safety of th
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