
来源 :中国农村科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tony_zq
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中豇1号是中国农业科学院作物品种资源研究所从尼日利亚引进的豇豆品种中选育的矮生早熟抗病品种,1999年2月通过河北省农作物品种审定委员会审定。 中豇1号生育期短,春播85天左右,夏播60~70天。直立、矮生,产量较高。该品种栽培容易;既可单作,也可与玉米、高粱、谷子、甘薯、棉花等作物间作套种或种植于果树行间、地头与山坡荒地,尤其适于干旱、瘠薄地区发展。栽培要点如下: No.1 Zhongcai No.1 is a dwarf and early-maturing disease-resistant variety selected from the cowpea varieties imported from Nigeria by Institute of Crop Germplasm Resources, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It was approved by Hebei Province Crop Variety Approval Committee in February 1999. Medium cowpea 1 short growth period, about 85 days in spring, summer sowing 60 to 70 days. Upright, dwarf, high yield. The cultivar is easy to cultivate. It can be used for intercropping with corn, sorghum, millet, sweet potato and cotton intercropping or planting in the rows of fruit trees, land and hillside wasteland, especially for the development in arid and infertile areas. Cultivation points are as follows:
解读剧作家陈涌泉,是比较困难的事。他思绪的 流动就像他的名字,犹如一泓涌动的清泉,发端于故乡 唐河,一路叮叮咚咚汇入历史厚重的大黄河,奔腾到海 不复回,恢宏成一部辉煌的