The freedom of the mind is an endless path. My discovery in Chinese painting is only one stop on this journey, but it is also a symbolic stop. One day, someone told me: “Child, I used to want to be a saint in the past, but now I just want to be a free man.” The phrase lowers in my heart. Free people will say it. He does not need to say much, especially since he does not need to speak too much. There are many other ways of expressing his ideas, but he must express it wholeheartedly. Every single sentence he utters tells the deepest bits and pieces of life, the impressions of these lives are sometimes frivolous and sometimes heavy. The language of a free heart, like a calligraphic work in general, can see the contrast of urgency and urgency. These comparisons are portrayed by the same hand and the same life. In short, ink does not care about dark spots, it is the imprint of the inner world intuition.