心系桃红 躬耕大地——记导演张增祥和他的微电影《桃红大地湾》

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今年9月1日,由张增祥导演的微电影《桃红大地湾》在甘肃省天水市国际电影城首映,一时赢得众人喝彩。除此之外,近年来,张增祥还陆续拍出了关注法治的(武山县人民法院的)《执行风暴》、关注失足少年的《让爱导航》和《痕迹》等公检法题材的微电影,成为天水新媒体和微电影行业里的代表性人物之一。在法治题材的片子里,张增祥 September 1 this year, directed by Zhang Zengxiang micro-film “Pink Earth Bay” in Tianshui City, Gansu Province, International Film City premiere, and won the applause. In addition, in recent years, Zhang Zengxiang has also successively released the “execution of the storm” (by the People’s Court of Wushan County) concerned with the rule of law and the micro-movie focusing on public security subjects such as “Love and Navigation” and “Traces” One of the representative figures in the Tianshui New Media and Microfilm industry. In the film on the rule of law, Zhang Zengxiang
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