Research on the underwater echo characteristics by hollow coaxial cylinder-cone assembled elastic sh

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For the purpose to research the underwater echo characteristics of elastic shell,the numerical expressions of surface sound pressure and particle vibration velocity are derived based on finite element and boundary element theories.The echo characteristics of hollow coaxial cylinder-cone assembled elastic shell are calculated with simulation and experiment methods to obtained the azimuth angle and frequency characteristics.It’s shown in the results that the more quantity of mesh point,the higher precision of calculation.Meanwhile,the magnitude of mirror reflection wave is largest in the echo wave between 20 and 40 kHz,and increases as the scattering cross-section.The backscatter sound pressure of elastic shell has the obvious frequency characteristic. For the purpose to research the underwater echo characteristics of elastic shell, the numerical expressions of surface sound pressure and particle vibration velocity are derived based on finite element and boundary element theories. The echo characteristics of hollow coaxial cylinder-cone assembled elastic shells are calculated with simulation and experiment methods to obtain the azimuth angle and frequency characteristics. It’s shown in the results that the more quantity of mesh points, the higher precision of calculation. During this, the magnitude of the mirror reflection wave is largest in the echo wave between 20 and 40 kHz, and increases as the scattering cross-section. the backscatter sound pressure of elastic shell has the obvious frequency characteristic.
我似乎只做了三件事情  把书念完、把孩子养大、把自己变老  青春时代,我曾幻想着环游世界  如今,连我居住的省份  我都没有走完  所谓付出,也非常简单  汗水里的盐、泪水中的苦  还有笑容里的花朵  我和歲月彼此消费  账目基本清楚  有三件事情  还是没有太大的改变  对诗歌的热爱,对亲人的牵挂  还有,提起真理两个字  内心深处,那份忍不住的激动
老年性白内障并发急性青光眼临床上较少见,国内首先由茅祖裕报告1例(1953),随后汤佩青(1955)、刘伟灵(1957)又有报告。据刘伟灵报告称,国外最早见于Von Graefe(1869)报告。
每个工作日的清晨六点,邢岑(化名)就得从床上爬起。从睡梦中到走出家门面对现实世界,他只用了匆匆半个小时。在这个城市的交通还未完全苏醒前,花一个多小时倒两趟公交车,到达他工作的人民日报社大院。  邢岑是在今年下半年才开始这份“朝八晚五”的工作的,他是一名网络舆情分析师。这是随着互联网不断发达涌现出的新职业,却有着令人难以想象的庞大队伍。  据《新京报》报道,目前中国有大约200万人从事这一职业,这一