
来源 :Internet信息世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijiancuowu
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在一个崭新的世纪开始的时候,该说点儿什么,有的人往前说,有的人往回说,说起网络,我很想往回说说,因为刚结束了一个世纪,那个世纪的最后刹那之间,网络诞生了,而且经历了它最初一段辉煌灿烂的传奇时代。在这个传奇时代最后闪光还没被平淡吞掉时,说说网络江湖,给今后进网的人们留下一些谈资。为什么说网络是个江湖?我们不是常听人说,INTERNET是信息之海吗?其实在这个世界上,INTERNET叫作大海现在还不够格,三分之二的受苦人还不知道网络,或者知道但不曾上得;从网络在全球地理上的覆盖看,也还相当狭窄,外网络在人群中的分布看,还只局限于很少部分的人群之中。所以网络至多也就能算是个江湖。说网络是江湖,还因为中国自古就有江湖这个东西,它区别于官道和民道,是一个特殊的社会存在,有相当的虚拟性(在脚踏实地者看来),有自己的行为准则规矩方式,有自己的行话,自己的网络,办自己的事。还有,江湖有官道民道最缺少的东西:传奇!江湖是产生传奇的沃土,是拒绝平庸的天地,动荡,冒险,突如其来,戛烈而止,总之,江湖让年轻人向往,有强烈的涌动和生命力。而网络创造的世界,所有这些特点都有。江湖是绝对的个性世界,而且人人在这里都是神秘的,在这里一个萝卜可能有一个坑,可能有很多坑,还可能没有坑。还有,网络中有一些特殊的精神,与现实社会中的不同,而与过去的江湖精神相同——网络是洋人传进来的,江湖却是最中国特色的社会,以西洋船载中国货,最先进的科技却恢复了最古旧的精神。把网络叫作江湖,还有很多理由,下边会一一列举。现在还是先去江湖上行走一番,体验这个江湖的生活。 At the beginning of a brand new century, we should say something. Some people said ahead. Some people said back. When it comes to networking, I really want to talk back because one century has just ended and the century The final moment, the network was born, and experienced its first brilliant period of a legendary era. In this legendary era when the last flash has not been dull swallowed, talk about the Internet arena, to the future network of people to leave some talk. Why network is a rivers and lakes? We do not often hear people say that INTERNET is the sea of ​​information? In fact, in this world, INTERNET called the sea is not qualified now, two-thirds of the suffering people still do not know the network, or know Not get on; from the global geographic coverage of the network, but also quite narrow, the distribution of external networks in the crowd, but also limited to a small part of the crowd. So at most the network can be regarded as a real estate. The Internet is a rivers and lakes, but also because China has rivers and lakes since ancient times this thing, which is different from the official Road and Min Tao, is a special social existence, there is considerable virtuality (in the down-to-earth view), have their own code of conduct rules , Have their own jargon, their own network, do their own thing. In addition, rivers and lakes have the most missing officialdom Road things: Legend! Are legendary fertile land, is to reject the mediocre world, turmoil, adventure, Suddenly, stop, in short, rivers and lakes make young people yearn for, there is a strong Surging and vitality. The Internet created by the world, all of these features have. Rivers and lakes are the absolute personality world, and everyone here is mysterious, where a radish may have a pit, there may be a lot of pit, but also may not pit. What’s more, there are some special spirits in the network, which are different from those in the real world and are the same as those in the past. The Internet came from foreigners. However, rivers and lakes are the most social groups with Chinese characteristics. The most advanced technology has restored the oldest spirit. There are many reasons to call this network rivers and lakes. Now go first go all-en route, experience the life of this arena.
“贤弟,此次西行取经路上,怕是妖魔横行,朕送你一件宝物,可以收妖。”说完,太宗从身后的侍卫处取出一件衣物披在唐僧身上,对他说道:“这件小西服,收腰的。” “Hyun brothe
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