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一、问题的提出晶体管调频接收机干扰问题,日益引起人们的注目。在国内也作过有关的交流。其中也提到双工调频电台较难解决的技术问题之一是接收机受自己发射功率泄漏所产生的阻塞现象。从实践看,问题并不尽然。双工电台干扰问题,除一般接收机所固有的干扰外,还有其本身特殊干扰存在。就接收机杂散响应这个日趋注意的指标,按规定应优于70db。这个指标在双工电台中单接收机而言,并不发生设计与测试上的问题。因为接收机前端总加有较为讲究的带通滤波器;有源器件与混频器件注意其动态范围;增设滤波器,考虑了本振的纯度 First, the question raised Transistor FM receiver interference issues, has aroused increasing attention. In the country also made related exchanges. One of the technical problems that are also more difficult to address in duplex FM stations is the jamming of the receiver due to its own transmit power leakage. In practice, the problem is not always true. Duplex radio interference problems, in addition to the usual interference of the general receiver, there are also its own special interference exists. Receiver spurious response to this increasingly important indicator, according to regulations should be better than 70db. This indicator in the duplex radio single receiver, the design and testing does not occur on the issue. Because the front end of the receiver always adds a more stressful band-pass filter; active devices and mixing devices pay attention to the dynamic range; additional filters, taking into account the purity of the local oscillator
裱画艺术起源于中国,早在公元二世纪就已初见倪端。古代四大发明之一的纸,为文人墨客提供了驰骋想象的天地。历经沧桑保留下来的书画珍品,勾画出中 Mounting art originate
Background:Physical activity(PA)may have an impact on digestive-system cancer(DSC)by improving insulin sensitivity and anticancer immune function and by reducin