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万荣县柿树栽培历史悠久,从栽培现状来看,多是零星分布在梯田地埂上,成片园甚少,且大部分严重缺株。据分析和历史考证,都是由于栽植成活率过低所致,如近两年全县栽植地埂柿树8.7,万株,成活5.4万株,平均成活率为62%,最差的6.4%,但也有成活好的地块,达到97%。为了探求成活率低的原因,以便为发展柿树生产提供依据,笔者通过实地调查并结合柿树生物学特性进行分析。一、柿树成活特性1.发芽迟,生根慢。据万荣城关一带观察,移栽苗成活期,从4月中旬至下旬开始发芽,大气温度一般为16.7℃,比一般苹果、梨等要晚,生根期需要18—20℃的气温和一定的土壤湿度才能生根。根据观察柿树根系有两次生长高峰,第一次在5月下旬至6月上旬,第二次在9月至10月,尔后进入休眠。 Wanrong County persimmon cultivation has a long history, from the cultivation of the status quo, mostly sporadic distribution in the terraced fields, into a piece of park is very small, and most of the serious lack of strains. According to analysis and historical research, are due to planting survival rate is too low, such as the past two years the county planted persimmon tree 8.7 million, 54,000 survive, the average survival rate was 62%, the worst 6.4% , But there are also plots to survive, reaching 97%. In order to explore the reason of low survival rate in order to provide the basis for the development of persimmon production, the author conducted field investigation and combined with the biological characteristics of persimmon. First, persimmon survival characteristics 1. Germination delayed, slow rooting. According to Wanrong Chengguan area observation, transplanting seedling survival period, beginning in mid-April to late germination, the air temperature is generally 16.7 ℃, than the average apple, pear and later, the need for rooting 18-20 ℃ temperature and a certain Soil moisture can take root. According to the observation of persimmon roots have two growth peaks, the first in late May to early June, the second in September to October, and then into hibernation.
2001年7月,中国北京,中华老年文化交流促进会会长古今生的桌上,摊开着这样一纸寄自广东的倡议书——《关於举办“两岸退役将军书画展”倡议书》,原文如下: 古今生会长、杨汝舟会长: 今年
TCP/IP是Internet 网使用的100多个协议的统称,其中最重要的两个协议是TCP和IP。TCP称为传输控制协议(TransmissionControl Protocol), IP称为网际协议(InternetProtocol)。TCP/IP协议是 TCP / IP is the generic name for more than 100 protocols used by the