Sport Concussion—The Field Evaluation

来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuzhihua
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Despite a significant increase in the understanding of concussion,this injury remains one of the most complex and poorly understood.This manuscript will outline a step-by-step process for concussion evaluation to ensure subtle signs and symptoms are not overlooked.The systematic approach includes a thorough athlete history,observation of mannerisms,and palpation of the relevant anatomical regions.Special tests for neurostatus and postural control follow with manual muscle testing of theneck musculature as indicated.Finally,all athletes shouldbe subjected to functional testing.In conjunction with the clinical examination outlined here,the return to play decision should be made under the consultation of a physician. Despite a significant increase in the understanding of concussion, this tract remains one of the most complex and poorly understood. This manuscript will outline a step-by-step process for concussion evaluation to ensure subtle signs and symptoms are not overlooked. The systematic approach includes a thorough athlete history, observation of mannerisms, and palpation of the relevant anatomical regions. Special tests for neurostatus and postural control follow with manual muscle testing of the neck musculature as indicated. Finally, all athletes should be subjected to functional testing. In conjunction with the clinical examination outlined here, the return to play decision should be made under the consultation of a physician.
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龙榆生本应是一个更为人所熟知的名字。他1902年出生于江西万载,1966年11月病逝于上海。曾师从黄侃、近代词学大师朱祖谋,是20世纪最重要的词学家之一。编著有《风雨龙吟室词》《唐宋名家词选》《近三百年名家词选》等。  龙榆生与夏承焘、唐圭璋、詹安泰并称民国四大词人;黄侃、朱祖谋、陈三立、陈寅恪等都是他的同仁师友;他在中国20世纪词界应有一席之地。但在这半个世纪内,因为词学以外的历史原因,这位词学