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为探索泸州天然气化学工业公司职工住院病人的特点和规律,加强对住院死亡的防治和研究,现将近六年63人住院死因资料分析如下: 1 资料来源与方法 (1)死亡资料来自死亡报告及死亡病案,由专业人员复查核实。 (2)资料为1988~1993年住院人数中死亡统计,死因按我国现行18类52项确定的死因分类。 2 结果与分析 前五位死因病死率依次为:脑血管疾病,恶性肿瘤,呼吸系统疾病,心血管疾病,消化系统疾病,前五位死因占全死因95.1%。 3 讨论 泸天化公司60年代及70年代从国外引进化工生产设备,是全国最大的化肥生产基地。在化工生产过程中,产生有害有毒气体及毒物,是造成职工寿命缩短的可能因素;恶性肿瘤,尤其是肝癌和肺癌,心脑血管疾病,是泸天化公司职工主要死因,加强对心脑血管疾病 In order to explore the characteristics and laws of in-patient patients in Luzhou Natural Gas Chemical Industrial Company and to strengthen the prevention and research of in-hospital deaths, the data of 63 in-hospital deaths in the recent six years are as follows: 1 Sources and Methods (1) The death data are from the death report and Death case, reviewed by professionals to verify. (2) The data is the death statistics of inpatients from 1988 to 1993. The cause of death is classified according to the current cause of death identified by 52 categories of 18 categories in our country. 2 Results and Analysis The top five causes of death mortality were: cerebrovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, digestive diseases, the top five cause of death accounted for 95.1% of all causes of death. 3 Discussion Lutianhua company 60 years and 70 years from abroad to introduce chemical production equipment, is the country’s largest fertilizer production base. In the process of chemical production, harmful toxic gases and poisons are produced, which is a possible factor for shortening the service life of workers. Malignancies, especially liver and lung cancer, and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the major causes of death among workers of Lutianhua Company, strengthening the management of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease
宁波轨道交通AFC系统现有读写器存在软硬件不统一,不具备兼容互换性,以及对技术标准规范执行不彻底等问题,对AFC系统的新线接入以及新票种、新业务、新应用的升级改造带来一定的影响。本文在分析宁波轨道现有读写器应用的现状和宁波轨道AFC技术标准规范的基础上,提出适合宁波轨道线网级应用的读写器的软硬件需求,自主研发设计了一种基于ARM CORTEX A9的全功能线网级的智能读写器,并对所设计的智能读写器