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2008年11月14日,一年一度的“世界经济形势论坛”在北京召开。来自中国社会科学院、中国银行、清华大学等科研院所、金融机构及大学的专家学者与国际著名金融机构的同行一起,围绕“世界经济与中国2009:变化中的世界和机遇”的主题进行了深入而热烈的探讨。该论坛由中国社会科学院国际研究学部、中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所、中国世界经济学会、本刊编辑部和中国银行国际金融研究所、中国国际金融学会、《国际金融研究》编辑部联合主办,每年年底举行。此前曾以“世界经济与中国:促进共同繁荣”、“后WTO时代:中国与世界”和“世界经济与中国:在不确定中把握趋势”为主题于2005年、2006年、2007年年底召开(三次盛会的大会演讲请参阅本刊2006年1-2期、2007年1-2期、2008年1-2期)。该论坛由于参会嘉宾的专业水平之高、问题讨论之深广,在海内外的影响愈益广泛,被媒体称为“中国最重要的经济智库的聚会”、“首席经济学家思想盛宴”。本届论坛为期一天,围绕“全球经济”、“全球金融市场”、“中国经济”和“中国金融市场”四个议题,美国世界大型企业联合会总裁兼首席经济学家盖尔·弗斯勒(Gail D.Fosler)、美国加利福尼亚大学工商管理与经济学教授劳拉·安德森·泰森(Laura D’Andrea Tyson)、摩根斯坦利亚洲主席斯蒂芬·罗奇(Stephen Roach)、美国斯坦福大学国际经济学教授罗纳德·麦金农(Ronald I.McKinnon)、中国银行副行长朱民、中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所所长余永定等11位著名专家学者评点2008年全球的经济发展,展望2009年的世界经济形势。在美国次贷危机演化为全球金融危机的背景下,本次论坛的召开得到了媒体的广泛关注,报道团队空前强大,网络媒体和平面媒体都对盛会进行了详尽的宣传和报道。网易财经、和讯网、搜狐财经、《第一财经日报》、《金融时报》、《北京晚报》等对会议作了全程专题或相关报道,腾讯网、新浪财经、凤凰财经、中金在线等网络媒体都有转载发布。本刊为该论坛特设专题,刊发学者们的精彩演讲,以飨读者。(根据录音整理,未经演讲者审定。) On November 14, 2008, the annual “World Economic Situation Forum” was held in Beijing. Experts and scholars from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Bank of China, Tsinghua University and other research institutes, financial institutions and universities, together with their counterparts from internationally renowned financial institutions, revolved around the theme of “World Economy and China 2009: Changing World and Opportunities” Conducted in-depth and enthusiastic discussion. The forum was jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of International Studies, the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the China World Economic Association, the editorial department of this magazine and the International Finance Institute of Bank of China, the China Institute of International Finance and the International Financial Research Department Hosted by the end of each year. Previously, he held the theme of “World Economy and China: Promoting Common Prosperity”, “Post-WTO Era: China and the World” and “World Economy and China: Grasping the Trend in Uncertainty”. In 2005, 2006 Year, held at the end of 2007 (three speeches of the grand meeting, please refer to the issue of 2006 1-2, 2007 1-2, 2008 1-2). As the forum’s high level of professionalism, deepening discussion and discussion at home and abroad, the forum has been called “the gathering of the most important economic think-tank in China” by the media and “the feast of chief economists thought” “. The forum is a one-day event focusing on four topics: ”Global Economy“, ”Global Financial Markets“, ”China’s Economy“ and ”China’s Financial Market“. President and Chief Economist of the United States World Federation of Large Enterprises Gail D. Fosler, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, professor of business administration and economics at the University of California, and Stephen Roach, president of Morgan Stanley Asia Roach, Ronald I. McKinnon, a professor of international economics at Stanford University, Zhu Min, vice president of the Bank of China, and Yu Yongding, director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Experts and scholars comment on the global economic development in 2008 and look forward to the world economic situation in 2009. Against the background of the global financial crisis that the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis evolved into a global financial crisis, the convening of this forum received extensive media attention. The reporting team was unprecedentedly powerful. Both online media and print media carried out detailed media coverage and coverage of the event. NetEase Finance,, Sohu Finance, the ”First Financial Daily“, ”Financial Times“, ”Beijing Evening News" and made a full-time special or related reports on the meeting, Tencent, Sina Finance, Phoenix Finance, the online gold and other networks Media have reprint release. The magazine is an ad hoc topic for the forum, published scholar’s wonderful speech to readers. (According to the recording, not validated by the speaker.)
<正>简述几种常见药物的新用途,供临床用药参考。 1 甲氧氯普胺(胃复安、灭吐灵)1.1 治疗肾绞痛 黄森龙报道,用甲氧氯普胺20mg,im治疗56例肾绞痛,以5,10,20,30min观察镇痛效
<正> 在我国社会主义初级阶段,家庭作为社会的基本消费单位,是形成银行储蓄的主要因素,家庭的储蓄行为直接维系着我国人民储蓄事业的发展,并对整个金融事业的发展也有重要影
<正> 国民经济综合平衡从内容上讲分为实物平衡和价值平衡;从范围上讲分为生产领域平衡和流通领域的平衡;其实质就是国民经济的结构平衡和总体性平衡。结构性平衡是指国民经