Occurrence of nitrification-denitrification and gaseous nitrogen loss process in flooded rice soil

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kage
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Flooding in wetland rice fields soon after transplanting results in displacement of soil air (including O2). Thus any dissolved O2 in the pore water is consumed out by microbial respiration in a short period. Supply of O2 to the flooded rice soil is by diffusion of O2 through the standing floodwater and consumption at the soil-water interface, and by exudation of O2 by rice roots and subsequent diffusion of O2 into the rhizosphere. The greater potential consumption of O2 compared to the renewal rate results in the development of distinct soil layers: oxidized soil layers under soil-water interface and in the rhizosphere, and reduced soil layers or reduced bulk soil. Nitrification in oxidized soils and denitrification in reduced soils have been known. Currently, denitrification in oxidized soils, even in standing floodwater, has also been identified. In this article, we present a modified nitrification and denitrification occurring mechanism in flooded rice soil. Flooding in wetland rice fields soon after transplanting results in displacement of soil air (including O2). Thus any dissolved O2 in the pore water is consumed out by microbial respiration in a short period. Supply of O2 to the flooded rice soil is by diffusion of O2 through the standing floodwater and consumption at the soil-water interface, and by exudation of O2 by rice roots and subsequent diffusion of O2 into the rhizosphere. The greater potential consumption of O2 compared to the renewal rate results in the development of distinct soil layers : oxidized soil layers under soil-water interface and in the rhizosphere, and reduced soil layers or reduced bulk soil. Currently, denitrification in oxidized soils, even in standing floodwater, has also been identified. In this article, we present a modified nitrification and denitrification occurring mechanism in flooded rice soil.
心梦    古希腊有一部很壮美的史诗,讲的是特洛伊王子帕里斯拐走希腊王后海伦作他的情人,并让她穿金戴银。为了尊严,希腊军队围困特洛伊10年之久,最终攻下特洛伊,夺回了海伦。  多少年来,这个充满想象、富有神话色彩的故事,深深地吸引着世界各族人民,人们或赞叹它的文采飞扬,或欣赏它气魄壮伟,也有人觉得那是古代人对现实生活的夸张描述。然而,有一个人却较起真来,他非要证明这是一个真实的历史。他,就是德国人
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