
来源 :宏观经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyp88
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本文从我国作为国际产业转移承接国的角度出发,在考虑行业关联的前提下,利用动态面板模型实证分析了不同类型产品内国际分工对我国1995—2009年各行业就业需求的影响。研究发现,现阶段参与产品内国际分工有助于发挥我国的劳动力优势,缓解国内就业压力。但是随着我国全球化进程的加深,各行业参与分工的程度不断提高,这种就业正效应在逐渐减小。从参与产品内国际分工的类型来看,高技术品分工比一般产品分工和服务品分工更能提高国内劳动就业需求;考虑就业效应的外溢性后,一般产品分工和服务品分工虽然对本行业就业有正效应,却抑制了其他行业对劳动的需求。 From the perspective of China as the international transferor of industries, the dynamic panel model is used to empirically analyze the influence of international division of labor in different types of products on the employment demand of various industries in China from 1995 to 2009. The study found that participating in the international division of labor within the product at this stage helps to exert the advantages of China's labor force and ease the pressure of domestic employment. However, with the deepening of the globalization process in our country, the degree of participation of various industries in the division of labor has been constantly increasing, and the positive effect of such employment is gradually diminishing. In terms of the types of international division of labor in participating products, the division of high-tech products can raise the domestic labor demand more than that of general products and service products. After considering the spillover effect of employment effects, although the general product division and service product division work, There are positive effects, but the restrain the demand of labor in other industries.
<正> 从1872年美国建立第一个国家公园——黄石公园开始,已经过去了一百多年。目前已形成了包括337个公园,占地达32万平方公里,分布于49个州及本士以外的关岛、波多黎哥、塞
小学数学教师要在数学教学中培养学生的自我监控能力,让学生能够自主的成长本文分析了小学数学教学中学生学习自我监控能力培养的方法。 Elementary mathematics teachers s
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