My sister

来源 :疯狂英语·爱英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haoaini0413
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  My sister has a pair of beautiful eyes. Her eyes are bright. I like her eyes very much. She has a small mouth. When she eats food, she looks like a lady.
  Once I failed in my exams. I was very sad. She encouraged me and helped me to find out the reasons. When I was sad, she always took me to eat nice food. Now, she has grown up and worked in other (another) city. We seldom meet and eat food together. But she often gives me some money to buy delicious food. I want to play with her and share things with her. This summer holiday, I shall take the bus to meet her. I shall do a lot of things with her. Then we are all(both) very happy. I hope I can grow up quickly. Then we can live together all the time.
  Many people think someone who has a sister will be very happy. So do I.
英语中,含有一个音节的单词叫单音节词,含有两个音节的单词,叫双音节词,三个或三个以上音节的单词叫多音节词。在双音节或多音节单词中,读得相对响亮的音节,就是单词的重音所在,也就是重读音节,其他的音节叫非重读音节。重读音节往往用符号“ ”来表示。  一、双音节单词  1.一般的双音节单词,重音在第一个音节上。例如:  easy / i?蘼zi/(容易的)  jacket / d?廾?覸k?奘t /(夹
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要点搜索  要点一:一般将来时的意义及形式  动词的一般将来时表示将来要发生的动作或存在的状态。其形式主要有:will / shall v.或be going to v.等形式。例如:  They will help us with our lessons. 他们会帮助我们学习功课。  We shall visit your family this weekend.我们将在周末去你们家拜访。
■用法诠释  连词是一种虚词,它不能独立充当句子成分,而只能连接单词、短语、句子或者从句,起的是“穿针引线”的作用。  连词按其性质可分为并列连词和从属连词两大种类。现结合2018年各地中考试题,谈谈运用连词时的易错点。  一、并列连词  并列连词用于连接并列的单词、短语或句子。最常用的并列连词有“独身型”的and、 but、or、so和“伙伴型”的both...and、 either...or、