
来源 :宏观经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuhaolf
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鉴于宏观调控与行政行为之间的本质区别,我们有必要在为公权力进行司法监督制度设计时,充分考虑宏观调控行为的特殊性。宏观调控行为的公权力性质、特点以及现有非司法监督的局限性,决定了对其进行司法监督的必要性。现阶段宏观调控司法监督的困境在于:司法机关介入宏观调控的角色错位、相关法律制度储备不足、相应的审判庭和违宪审查制度没有建立。因此,要走出宏观调控司法监督的困境,我们有必要通过司法体制改革提升司法地位的独立,设立宏观调控法庭和宪法法院以确保对宏观调控行为的合法性审查,淡化司法机关宏观调控执行者的角色,建立检察机关公益诉讼制度。 In view of the essential difference between macro-control and administrative behavior, it is necessary for us to fully consider the peculiarities of macro-control behavior when designing the judicial supervision system for public power. The nature and characteristics of public power and the limitations of existing non-judicial supervision of macro-control behavior determine the necessity of judicial supervision. At present, the predicament of judicially supervising and controlling the macro-control lies in the misplaced role of the judiciary in intervening in macroeconomic regulation and control, the insufficient reserve of the relevant legal system, and the corresponding courtrooms and constitutional review system not established. Therefore, to get out of the predicament of macro-control and judicial supervision, it is necessary for us to improve the independence of judicial status through the reform of the judicial system, set up macro-control courts and constitutional courts to ensure the legality of macro-control actions and to dilute the macro- Role, the establishment of prosecution public interest litigation system.
一位美术系的毕业生,向大师请教从艺秘诀。大师叫他倒茶,他便献上清茶一杯。大师以茶为墨,以指为笔,认真地写下“茶”字两个:第一个是按笔顺写的; A graduate of the Fine A
高良姜。  你以为这味草药姓高,名良姜啊?才不是呢。它姓高良,名姜。别不信啊,我不是胡诌的。药典记载着呢,说,这个名字是陶隐居取的,言此姜始出高良郡,故得此名。  陶隐居又是谁?他不是“采菊东篱下”的陶渊明,是“路远香迷野草花”的陶弘景。陶弘景是古时一代名医,当然,他顺便也炼一下丹,修一下道,夜观天文昼著书,人称“山中宰相”。有人写诗给他:“炼就灵丹岁月赊,药炉丹灶旋成洼。庭空响落山松子,路远香迷
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美国作家玛亚·安杰卢博士说:如果你看不惯某种东西,那就改变它。如果你无法改变它,那就改变你自己的态度。不要抱怨。  佛经有云:一念嗔心起,百万障门开。贪、嗔、痴被称为三不善根。亦称三毒。其中的嗔是指抱怨、怪罪、仇恨愤怒之心。星云大师说得直白:人生的大病就是时时刻刻盘踞在我们心中的贪、嗔、痴。嗔心人人皆有,不管什么刻毒的言词,不论什么狠恶的手段,都会从万恶的嗔心中搬演出来。  的确,有科学家指出,人
草场上的笑声不断,那是青春朝气蓬勃的气息;跑道上的紫荆花依然绚烂,那是迎接寒冬到来的微笑;而你那上扬的嘴角,是年轻的符号。 The laughter on the pasture continued, it